Many fans think that Bob Iger has been terrible for Disney, and I have my fair share of criticism regarding him. But I believe that Iger is actually a good leader for a few reasons. Allow me to explain. Early in his tenure, Iger vowed to get Oswald the Lucky Rabbit back from Universal. He was able to do that, and he felt it was important to do so because it was closure for Walt's loss. Another reason I admire Iger is because he realized that mistakes were made with DCA 1.0. He mandated that the park be overhauled, and we were given the great additions of Cars Land and BVS. He also kept his word when he said that Figment isn't going anywhere. Sure, he may be in jeopardy sometime in the 2020s, but Iger will be gone by then. And last but not least, he opened the beautiful Shanghai Disneyland, which has many amazing attractions. Shanghai is important because it helps to combat the fraud that takes place in China with Disney's properties (Nara Dreamland, counterfeit Mickey merch, etc.) He has made some questionable choices, such as appointing Bob Chapek to head of Parks and Resorts, as well as the unnecessary aquisitions of Marvel and Fox. Arguably his decision to add Galaxy's Edge to Disneyland Park as opposed to DCA or perhaps a future 3rd gate will be disastrous for the Disneyland Resort.
Here is why I think that Chapek would be terrible for Disney if he becomes CEO: the IP mandate. It is common knowledge that Bob Chapek is the one that decided that there needs to be "synergy" across the Disney company, resulting in most new attractions being tied to a movie franchise. He has no regard for theme. Just look at EPCOT. The park is heading in a terrible direction, and there is literally only one person to blame, and that is Bob Chapek. If it weren't for him, the new fireworks show would probably not be a show about Disney songs, and GOTG would not be going in Future World. He has also destroyed much of the work that was put into DCA earlier this decade. Turning Paradise Pier into Pixar Pier was a foolish mistake with no regard to cohesive theme or storytelling. Also, closing Tower of Terror in Cali was uncalled for. If he wanted to bring Marvel to DCA, there is an entire area (Hollywood) that has remained mostly untouched since the park opened. That area would have been the perfect area to place Marvel and start over.
Chapek does not care about Walt Disney or his vision, whereas Iger has tried very hard to do what Walt would have done. Again, he has made mistakes, but his mistakes are not as disastrous as Chapek's. Imagine what Chapek would do if he ran the entire company. Ready for Frozen 5? What about Toy Story 7? Do you want a new park to open during his tenure? If so, you will probably be waiting a while, because it wouldn't be in his budget.
I'm no Disney apologist, and I hope that someday the company will have another "Walt and Roy". Iger is certainly no Walt, but he is a whole lot closer to him than Chapek. Feel free to voice your opinions. I'm curious about what everybody thinks about my points, whether you agree or disagree with me.