Declining food quality.


Well-Known Member
Ok well don't kill me, I haven't read all 3 pages on this subject...but here is my two cents...
Our gang of 12 went to WDW for 2 weeks. We had several great meals, several good meals and a few 'were those really meals?' One example was from my personal favorite Germany...we were there twice for late lunch/early dinner and once for a late dinner before Illuminations...the late meal was by far the worst meal of our trip! I think it had to do with lower crowds, close to closing time and general staff was ready getting ready to leave know how it is at work when you've got the last few hours to go...well, thats how it was for us..bad service,warm (not hot)food, not as much choice on the buffet, no clearing of plates, refilling drinks etc. I did complain about the service and they lowered the tip (automatic 20% on groups of 8+). So timing may be a part of it. luck of the draw I suppose!


Well-Known Member
EpcotGrl said:
Sit-down stuff I've been fairly impressed with, tho. Exceptions are Alfredo's at Epcot (um...Olive Garden anyone?), Coral Reef (Red Lobster!)

I've never paid that much for dinner at Red Lobster!! :lol:


New Member
We Have been to WDW once a year for past 6 years and I have not seen any decline in the food. In fact we have always enjoyed any meal we have had there. yes we like some better than others but that is a personal thing and as for price..well compared to NY food prices they are not bad AT ALL!


Well-Known Member
DOOP! said:
I just stick to the turkey legs. :slurp: Five bucks and always good!

Hmmm...yes. They tend to always be good in quality. However, I would suggest not getting one an hour before closing. Those legs tend to be really dry since they won't replenish the legs and wait to sell what they have. At least that was my experience. I even overheard two CMs discussing if they should get a fresh batch and they decided not to since they'd be closing soon.


Le Meh
Premium Member
My wife and I have noticed a decline in portions with an increase in price at WDW. Specifically at La Cellar (sorry for the spelling) at Canada in Epcot. When we first started going there the entree's were actually served on a platter size plate. Now they are served in a bowl (smaller portions of Salmon served over mashed potatoes as apposed to nice size fillet of Samon served next to potatoes and veggies...). The quality of the food seems the same, just portion size.

Now our trip a couple of weeks ago to Disney Land is another story.... The cinamon role at the bakery was obviously not baked on site and was no better than a cinimon role from a "stop and rob" ( drive in grocery for those of you not in Houston....). We ate lunch at Blue Bayou. I mistakenly ordered the chef special of the day which consisted of ribs and fried shrimp. The ribs had been sitting in sauce at least the most of the mornign and the shrimp were, well, poor quality frozen. The bread and gumbo was decent. That night we ate at one of the resteraunts in New Orleons Square/Adventure land transistion areas that were selling hamburgers/hotdogs etc. The meat was horrible. Extremely processed. Overall, DisneyLand is somewhere I dont need to go again.....


New Member
I've studied the menus on and find the prices outrageous! Our family eats out quite a bit in the Dallas area and prices around home are nothing compared to the WDW prices.

With that said, we are staying on site and don't want to leave to eat, so we will pay the prices. I'm trying very hard to research the restaurant choices. It's one thing to pay a huge price for a good meal; it's another to pay a huge price for a terrible meal.

Several months ago I posted the question "Are the restaurants at WDW really any good?" (or something to that effect) on, wanting to get the opinion of the restaurants from folks who don't necessarily love all things Disney. Almost all of the answers said that the food was overpriced, crappy theme park food, and that I shouldn't expect anything better. I presume that most of these posts were talking about counter service meals, but I still found the posts interesting.


Le Meh
Premium Member
missypie said:
I've studied the menus on and find the prices outrageous! Our family eats out quite a bit in the Dallas area and prices around home are nothing compared to the WDW prices.

With that said, we are staying on site and don't want to leave to eat, so we will pay the prices. I'm trying very hard to research the restaurant choices. It's one thing to pay a huge price for a good meal; it's another to pay a huge price for a terrible meal.

Several months ago I posted the question "Are the restaurants at WDW really any good?" (or something to that effect) on, wanting to get the opinion of the restaurants from folks who don't necessarily love all things Disney. Almost all of the answers said that the food was overpriced, crappy theme park food, and that I shouldn't expect anything better. I presume that most of these posts were talking about counter service meals, but I still found the posts interesting.

I would not necessarily catagorize all food at WDW as "crappy theme park food". You will pay higher prices at places like Cindarella's Royal Table (but you are actually eating in the castle, and its cool and worth the money), character meals ( but I think its worth it to see the look on the kids faces), and most sit down places in most of the Resorts. You can find decent moderatley priced meals in the parks (try Rose and Crown Pub, Epcot England, the little mexican food place outside the temple in Mexico Epcot). Tony's at the MK is moderatley priced. You are going to pay more for food period, but nothing like paying $3 for a soda at the movies....take that under consideration. If you stay at the value resorts (Allstars) the food courts are even more moderate and have a wide variety.

Mickey waffles rule!!!!!!!!!

You will pay $2.50 for a 20oz soda in the parks, then keep the bottle and drink water......Ice cream bars @3.50 (Micky Premium is worth $5 in my opinion..... :lol: :lol:

Anyway, yes, it costs money to go to Disney. If you are overly concerned go to the grocery store before getting to the resort and eat breakfast bars in the morning. You can get a refillable mug at the value resorts for $11, but free refills at the food courts. Its worth the money.

But most of all have fun. You cant take it with you when you die....


missypie said:
Almost all of the answers said that the food was overpriced, crappy theme park food, and that I shouldn't expect anything better.

Crappy theme park food !! You've got to be kidding !

If they are talking about somewhere where you get a hot dog and fries ... maybe. But restaurants like Jiko, Le Cellier, California Grill, and esp. Victoria and Alberts certainly cannot be classified as "crappy theme park food".

Food at Disney is expensive ... as it is in any place where they have you captive (i.e. the ballpark, any other theme park ...). You have to accept that before going and just not worry about it. If money is a big concern, make a budget and stick to it, realizing that lower prices generally means lower quality.

I have had some awesome meals at Disney and always look forward to making PS rezzies for the next trip. I find the food to be very good. But I am not worried about the money as I have saved enough to eat during the trip. And I don't want to eat burger and fries all of the time, so more money is saved for food. It limits the amount of times I get to go to Disney, but I want to enjoy myself while I am there -- meaning no driving and good food. :p

And I wouldn't call a Mickey bar crappy food either .. them's fightin' words !!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Where else can you get great salmon at a counter service place? (Tusker House in AK is wonderful)

As with all places, some things are done better than others. We've never had a bad meal there, expensive yes, but still yummy. :wave:


Le Meh
Premium Member
tigsmom said:
Where else can you get great salmon at a counter service place? (Tusker House in AK is wonderful)

As with all places, some things are done better than others. We've never had a bad meal there, expensive yes, but still yummy. :wave:

Thanks for the heads up on the salmon at Tusker House. Will definatly have to try next trip....


New Member
Like I said, the folks on were pretty hostile to Disney food, but many on that board are pretty hostile to Disney in general. (There was a recent post asking people to list the biggest tourist trap they ever wasted money on, and several people mentioned the Disney parks.)

I would bet, however, that if you went to WDW having done no restaurant research, had no PS and ate at whatever counter service place you were in front of whenever you were hungry, you could end up with a pretty bad impression of the food.

I myself am headed to the State Fair of Texas in a week or so...MAJORLY overpriced food...but if I'm eating something yummy that I can't get anywhere else, I consider it all a part of the state fair experience.


Le Meh
Premium Member
Well said. Where else can you go and eat in Mayan Temple for lunch and then a world class steak house, french cuisine, seafood, prime rib in a castle, hawaian food at a loua (yes spelling is not my strong point) or watch old sci fi movies while you eat for dinner???? Nowhere else I know of beside WDW.


Well-Known Member
hakunamatata said:
Well said. Where else can you go and eat in Mayan Temple for lunch and then a world class steak house, french cuisine, seafood, prime rib in a castle, hawaian food at a loua (yes spelling is not my strong point) or watch old sci fi movies while you eat for dinner???? Nowhere else I know of beside WDW.
Very good point.

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
FamilyMan said:
Oddly enough, a few years back the chocolate in Mickey Premium Bars was changed. That was when the name was changed as well. If you look, it's not a Mickey Premium Bar any longer... It's now Mickey's Premium Ice Cream Bar. Nestle did that though, not Disney...
Around 10 years ago, I think they were Haagen Dazs bars. I don't think they have been as good since they changed to Nestle.

I got back 2 days ago and was also disappointed with most of the food we ate.

Based on recommendations from the boards, I had a hot dog at Casey's. It was good, but it was a basic hot dog--nothing at all special.

The Dole Whip was not as good as I remember. I can't honestly say if this is the fault of the ice cream or my memory.

I had cheese soup at the Food and Wine Festival from the Canada booth. I assume it is the same soup as is served in Le Cellier. I took 3 bites and threw it away. It had a really funny flavor--perhaps the cheese was too sharp for my tastes. This really surprised me, because I love cheese soup and had high hopes for this. Perhaps my expectations were too high.....

ducks to avoid breadsticks aimed at head

Dinner at 'Ohana was wonderful as usual. The highlight was the wontons. Prime Time Cafe was OK--my son likes the atmosphere. The onion rings needed 2 more minutes in the fryer. The fried chicken was good, but again, nothing special. (We have better chicken places here at home where they actually PEEL the potatoes!!) The chocolate malt was exactly like I can make at home--hardly worth $5.

On the other hand, I truly enjoyed the school bread from Norway, the cheese danish at the Fountainview Bakery, the Minnie Strawberry bar (80 calories!!!), and the tuna salad and potato chips from Columbia Harbour House.


Well-Known Member
they will make it right

zjer said:
I never had my question answered, just people telling me I "posted in the wrong place." I was just wondering if anyone had any insight in the declining food quality of WDW, while it seems to be getting increasingly more expensive. $50 is a lot of money for two people to eat w/o appetizers and expensive drinks. Last year I spent a lot of money on food but felt justified because the food was delicious. This year, the food seemed less than.... well, it wasn't at all good. Epcot, MGM, M.K., all had nice resteraunts with poorly made food. Anyone else have any experience with is or any insight on the declining quality. Or maybe it's just me....

I have eaten at many of the places at WDW. Hundreds of times. I can only think of two times things were not just right. Tell them, they will make it right or if you dont like to do it at the restaurant go to guest services. They will make a few phones calls and will make you happy.

O Hana's awesome!!!
I recommend it. At the Polynesian Resort.


Le Meh
Premium Member
Yellow Shoes said:
I had cheese soup at the Food and Wine Festival from the Canada booth. I assume it is the same soup as is served in Le Cellier. I took 3 bites and threw it away. It had a really funny flavor--perhaps the cheese was too sharp for my tastes. This really surprised me, because I love cheese soup and had high hopes for this. Perhaps my expectations were too high.....

ducks to avoid breadsticks aimed at headQUOTE]

The flavor you probably didnt like was the Moosehead beer that they put in it.....I actually like the cheese soup and tried to make it at home. When we were there for our honeymoone in Nov02, we asked for the recipi and they gave it to us.


Well-Known Member
I think the food has changed over the years, especially the counter service. But the sit downs, I didnt really notice a change, I think most got better actually.

But I remember a fast food place in Adventureland years ago, 12 years ago maybe, where you could get teriyaki chicken that was great, super sticky, but really good. And the chicken fingers I remember as being better. The fries and burgers have always been nasty there, but I can't imagine how they couldmake a decent burger at a rapid pace for a decent price, and not for that many people. And soggy fries are just gross, but I guess thats why they let Mickey D's in, to have a decent fry in the park. And the strawberry bars, not the mickey bars, are where its at.


New Member
zjer said:
I never had my question answered, just people telling me I "posted in the wrong place." I was just wondering if anyone had any insight in the declining food quality of WDW, while it seems to be getting increasingly more expensive. $50 is a lot of money for two people to eat w/o appetizers and expensive drinks. Last year I spent a lot of money on food but felt justified because the food was delicious. This year, the food seemed less than.... well, it wasn't at all good. Epcot, MGM, M.K., all had nice resteraunts with poorly made food. Anyone else have any experience with is or any insight on the declining quality. Or maybe it's just me....
$50 for two you say?? I would recommend the Contemporary Resort ... great food and modestly priced (hey, I didn't say cheap). Another big money saver is the cups that you get free re-fills on (although they don't hold a lot, I got my money's worth!!)

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
For those of you upset at the prices at Disney I suggest you never visit the UK.

The thing is food is a subjective thing, I lived in Italy for 3 1/2 years as a result I really struggle to find what id class as good Italian food, whether at Disney or where I live.

Some of the places mentioned negatively I have had bad experiences but that was generally down to staff not the food. the one exception being Wolfgang Pucks, crap service and average food and as a result I wont go back.

One of the biggest problems IMHO is that from what’ve read in guide books and on here many US citizens seem to be less adventurous with food than I would expect. my parents generation were like that but access to travel and Britain’s cosmopolitan make up have totally changed our acceptance of new foods. Of course there are still you meet and two veg fish n chip types but they are a fading minority.

as for portion size, best Mr Blair don’t run for president cause one of the latest wheezes to come from his think tank was that in order to tackle obesity positions should ne reduced to set levels. Thanx Phony.

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