declined ( kinda long sorry)


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WOW.... i just go my letter today after about a month and a half of paper work and as of now, i wont be attending the wdw cp fall 06 season. Ide really like some help if anyone could give me some advice. I posted earlier in the month about how i applyed and what i could do to help my chances and as far as i understood i would be ok... I was a member of the wdw college program in the spring of 05 i was doing the advantage program so i would have been leavin in august. It was some time in june when i finally had to leave ... i kept getting sick from allergies, i had about a 2 month fever from the spring/summer pollen and mold, since i had no health insurence i couldnt just go to the doctor and get something like allegra so i just stayed sick... well it came to the point where either i go home and get better or risk losing my job so i met with the college program liaison and my head manager they both told me that i should go home, get better, and come back when im better. They said my health is more important than anything and that ide have no problem coming back, just a little extra paper work that they'd have to do. so i put in my two weeks, spent about 100$ to see a doctor and get a redcomendation to leave the program on health reasons, and went to health services in epcot to process the paperwork. i went through all of this to make sure that i would def. be about to come back... In jan i called my regional college program recruiter to make sure i was ok to go. He also assured me that ide be able to attend the program and that i should apply, the only thing that would happen is that they would have some extra paperwork to do, just as my managers had said. I applyed and learned that it would take about 3 times as long as a normal application and i had a restricted rehire status, but that was ok as long as i could go back, i must have wrote about a 2 page letter saying how much i loved it there and never wanted to leave and how dedicated i was to my job. i just got too sick for too long and that i left on the recomendation that i should and that i could come back. Today i learned i couldnt go and all of this was for nothing. I really dont mean to complain i know i shouldve known better but i really feel like i got washed through the system. I was wandering if anyone knew anyone i could call and maybe discuss my situation i know alot of people that got fired for alot of stupid things and quit flat out and didnt go through all this trouble with doctors and health services and got back in. I really hope someone could help me out.... thank you all so much


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I wish you the best of luck. Really.:wave:

Hopefully someone on these boards can help you out. You really sound like you want to go back. Ya got those allergies licked?


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Thanks alot for your concern, yea i have medicine now so ill be ok and I want to go in the fall to stay away from the spring when its the worst.


New Member
freeforall said:
WOW.... i just go my letter today after about a month and a half of paper work and as of now, i wont be attending the wdw cp fall 06 season. Ide really like some help if anyone could give me some advice......
If the written word is used as part of the CP selection process then make sure that full care is taken with the written application.

I realise that posts to web boards are often written in haste, but the post above is difficult to read and would cause the employer to put a similar application straight in the rejected pile.

Break it into paragraphs - people just can't easily follow a huge block of text, they get bored and give up.

Run any correspondence through a spell checker. Whilst it won't pick up everything it will find things like non-capital "I"s, missing apostrophes and text speak.

Good luck and let us know how you get on with your future application. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Did they explain in their rejection letter why you were declined? They do not have to tell you that by law, but sometimes companies will explain at least in a sentence or two.

If you re-apply, overkill never hurts. Get several referral letters and include them with your application; make sure someone double-checks your letter; don't mention anything negative at all, nor imply that they made a mistake in not hiring you back; make sure that your materials also include a letter from your college counselor or placement office; make sure that a doctors note is included that states your allergies and now under control; etc etc.

BUT - be advised that employers are not obligated to hire you back within this context. While I don't know your personal history during your short stay at WDW, if you missed days, left shifts early, had frequent reschedules or schedule swaps etc those will all be in your record wether or not they were allergy related.

Good luck down the road though! Hope things work out for you.


New Member
Call or email the College Program recruiting office. At least at that point you can find out why they did not rehire you. The number and email address is on the contact sheet your recruiter gave you after your presentation/interview. Also you could contact the recruiter directly, he/she may know. It certainly can't hurt to call to try to find out. Good luck with everything!


Well-Known Member
I'm basically just going to echo what everyone else says.
One thing you have to understand is you are a huge liability for the company. Your illness is one that, while treatable, is still one that is threatening to you, and thus, the company. I can understand, from a coprorate perspecitve, the amount of risk and paperwork associated with the rehire of someone as such.
Unfortunately, it's not something you can help. But, as others have said, if it's something that you're tunnel-visioned about (like I am for working at Disney), then just don't stop trying to be ruthless about getting in. If everything you said is true that they PROMISED you a position, you should persue that angle. If they just promised you an OPPORTUNITY, though, you may have a bit harder time.

At any rate, I sincerely wish you the best of luck.


New Member
Is it legal?

Quick comment...and just a thought:

I know the College Program can be competitive to get into, so definitely look into if they will tell you *why* you did not get in. However, if the reason is due to your illness, is that legal?

For example, it is not legal for employers to discriminate based on being handicapped. Also, I do not think an employer can request health records to make his/her decision to hire. A person with AIDS/HIV could be argued a "risk" (their immune system is down and they could fall ill, for instance) but I'm pretty sure it is not legal for an employer to base his or her decision on that.

I know that you left the program before due to illness, and I'm sure that's on your record with Disney. However, the *extent* of you illness might not be. For example, for all they know you could have had mono or needed your appendix to be taken out.

Again, this is just my two sense based on a few facts I know. I'm no lawyer lol.

Good luck with everything! And keep re-applying!



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Thanks all

Thank you all so much for replying. Unfortunatly i recently spoke to my recruiter and no matter what my managers or health services told me i will not be able to attend the program for some time "i just have to keep applying". I really got the shaft here and i dont want to sound like i'm complaining but even though i should have figured as much, i went through alot for nothing. I really only had two months of my program left i could have finished it... instead i decided to go home and get better. I made absolutally sure as my manager said countless times "You will be able to come back at a later time as long as you take these steps"... although at the time i didnt realize that "that time" would be in years. I was told that i now would have to keep applying several times until i can possibly get in. Anyway thanks all for replying and if anyone gets anything from all of this, its just another life lesson, dont belive anything until you see it... Yes i know this is all a result of my stupidity and being gullible, but now i cant apply for a professional internship or anything like that so it really sets me back in a sense. I genuinely hope noone else has to go though all of this, it seems that i spent alot of time and money on being rejected and feeling stupid. thanks again... sam


New Member
Why won't you be able to apply for a professional internship? Just because Disney won't take you back doesn't mean that other companies won't hire you. I know that Disney is probably a blast to work for, but come on, they are not the only professional company around. What are you going to school for? There are plenty of great internships here in Wisconsin for a lot of great leaders in their fields.:)

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