Ok so I know there are already multiple threads on this, but I have some questions. like what was the real reason for getting rid of two very nice golf courses and SELLING 980 acres!!
Walt didn't buy all that land for TDO to be greedy and just sell it off!!!!:fork: same as for western development cause you know they are going to sell that too! and thats like 450 acres!! anyway getting off topic, why the need for a four seasons and a private gated community???
whats the point of another shopping district with 3rd party vendors? and economy lodging.. they have a hard enough time filling there rooms in the first place! And why did they ever do celebration?? that was so much land they could have used for better things! that was the start of it all. At the rate they are going there will never be a 5th gate cause all the land is going to be gone..soon there will be a publix in the heart of wdw :hurl:

whats the point of another shopping district with 3rd party vendors? and economy lodging.. they have a hard enough time filling there rooms in the first place! And why did they ever do celebration?? that was so much land they could have used for better things! that was the start of it all. At the rate they are going there will never be a 5th gate cause all the land is going to be gone..soon there will be a publix in the heart of wdw :hurl: