Days per park?


New Member
Original Poster
My family and I (two parents, three children, 4, 10, and 11) are travelling to Disney World in July (I know worst time of year). I have a few questions that I would love answered!

How many days should I schedule for each park? WE will have five full days, and two half days (travel days). How many days per park would you schedule?

Also, I can either get two rooms at an AllStar resort, or one room at Port Orleans. WE don't plan to spend a lot of time in the rooms (who does), and will be crowded at Port Orleans. Which would you prefer?

WE did go last year to the Magic Kingdom for one day (and were rained out early in the afternoon), so I don't have a lot of experience. Thanks for all your advice?


New Member
I would say have the two rooms at All Stars!
Also i would say have 1 day at MGM and AK and 2 days at Epcot and MK, but really it depends on what kind of attractions you like are are likly to ride more than once :) :king:


Well-Known Member
2 Days @ Epcot (1 to see everything and 1 to shop)
2 Days @ Magic Kingdom
1/2 day @ Downtown Disney/West End
1/2 Day @ Animal Kingdom
1/2 Day @ MGM
1/2 Day relaxing around your resort (we usually do this in the middle of the week)


New Member
Hmmm...Port Orleans is a nice resort, but no one likes to be crowded. All-Star resorts are nice and clean, like all Disney resorts, but are a bit out of the way. It's more for families with kids. Port Orleans is centrally located, close to Downtown Disney and Epcot. All Star is closer to Animal Kingdom and Blizzard Beach. I would be deciding on the comfort factor though. You can always get a roll away bed. I think the children would like the All-Star better though.

As for Parks, I went with a first time WDW guest back in July and we did all four parks in one day. Then spent the entire second day at Epcot. She totally felt that she experienced Disney. Of course, unless you are a Disney Park expert, Guest Relations trained or Bonafide Disney Park Fanatic, you would need a Guide to do all four parks in one day. There are some things that you just don't need to do in each park. With the kids and five full days, I would spend one full day in each park. Keep in mind, that the Animal Kingdom will not take up a whole day, but the park's hours will reflect that. Epcot could easily take two days, but you'll see everything you want and have meal time with one day. Just be there from park open to close.

You're children are a wide range of ages. The older ones will probably not enjoy the Magic Kingdom as well as the younger will. The Animal Kingdom will capture everyone's attention and may be your favorite. The older children will love Disney Studios, because of the thrill rides and excellent shows. You and mom will like Epcot, but the baby will be bored.

Universal's Islands of Adventure is also a good bet for thrill rides. The park is amazing and a good alternative to Disney Studios. They have a "real live" Jurassic Park, and all of the super heroes you can imagine. This park and Epcot are my two favorite attractions in Orlando.

Just enjoy yourself, plan your trip out, decide what you want to see the most, and keep your nights free for dinners, mom and dad time (there are Disney babysitters for hire ask your front desk) and anything else you might want to do. Try to eat on Disney property as much as possible. The restaurants on property are one of kind and will provide many years of memories (plus some real good grub).

Hope you have a great time...if you have any questions feel free to email me at rhammond at


Well-Known Member
I usually plan in terms of "trips to the park", as opposed to days. Every full day has two potential tours - a morning and an evening (mid-day is reserved for resting at the resort). You will be at WDW for six evenings and six mornings, or twelve potential tours. Similarly to what Scooter said, I like to leave one full day in the middle as a "no park" day, leaving ten tours. I would recommend the following to avoid crowds but hit the key attractions:

5 mornings - 1 at AK, 1 at Downtown Disney, 1 at DS, 1 at MK, 1 at BB or TL
5 evenings - 1 at DS, 2 at MK, 2 at Epcot.


Active Member
I would go with two adjoining rooms, and I would pick Pop Century over the All Stars, it's newer. The kids will love having their own room, they'll think it's totally cool. You'll have two bathrooms, two TV's, everyone will not be on top of one another and it will give you some quiet time. I've stayed at PO and think it is very nice too, but then again everyone will be in one room.

MK=at least 1 Day, most likely 2; AK=1/2 day; EPCOT=1 day; MGM=1 day


Well-Known Member
I'd vote for two rooms at the All-Stars or Pop Century too. At the very least it gives you two bathrooms!

My schedule for you would be different than what's been said:
2 days Magic Kingdom
1 day Epcot - be sure to do the Kidcot fun stops in World Showcase
1 day Animal Kingdom - we always get there at opening and still haven't done everything by closing
1 day Disney-MGM Studios

What kind of tickets are you getting? I would check and see what the Magic Your Way ticket price would be for a 7 day ticket as opposed to a 5 day, if you'll have any extra time at all on your travel days. Especially staying on property when you can take advantage of the evening Extra Magic Hour program!


Premium Member
OK I went last July so I can pretty much remember how long it took to do everything (or how much we missed). If I were going to do your itinerary here's what I'd do...

Day 1: When you get there after you check in go to Epcot and see all of World Showcase and watch Illuminations.

Day 2: Spend a full day at Magic Kingdom

Day 3: Go to Animal Kingdom until it closes at dinnertime, then spend the evening doing something different (like the boardwalk, downtown disney, mini golf, fort wilderness campfire, etc.)

Day 4: Spend a full day at MGM Studios

Day 5: Go back to Epcot and spend the morning and afternoon touring Future World, then after you've seen everything go back to the hotel to relax and swim for the rest of the evening

Day 6: Spend another day at the Magic Kingdom

Day 7: Go to a waterpark until it's time to leave

I'd do something similar to that. Hope that helps!


Well-Known Member
As far as park hopping I jump between 2-3 parks per day. Thats just me. And I always goto the magic kingdom everyday.


Is it 5:00 yet?
I think you should take a day per park. Then there is no rushing around trying to get from one park to another. Plus you could then see every parade and fireworks show at each park. Also you wouldn't have to pay extra for the park hopping option!

A lot of people are saying that AK only is a half day park...there is no way...There are a lot of walking exploration trails which take time and there are many shows that are only at certain times which have to be coordinated with everything else. So take your time and allow a day per park.


bgraham34 said:
As far as park hopping I jump between 2-3 parks per day. Thats just me. And I always goto the magic kingdom everyday.

That is an idea for us. I missed last trip when we didnt go to MK. I used to be MK is ok But lets go to Epcot type. Not sure its because I have kids or my tastes have changed MK recharges me big time. Being in the park with hardly anyone else on E ticket nights last June, twice was really nice. :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
First of all, I don't feel that July is that bad of time to go. Sure it's hot and it rains a little every day, but the park hours are longer and when it does rain, it really cleans out the park and makes it a whole less crowded. Also, I'd say if you don't mind being a bit cramped, stay at Port Orleans. The pool at Riverside is excellent.

1/2 day Downtown Disney
1 1/2 days Magic Kingdom (since you were there for a 1/2 day last year)
1 1/2 days EPCOT (do not miss Illuminations- Refections of Earth)
1 day MGM
1/2 day to spend relaxing by your pool
1/2 day Animal Kingdom (we see Kilimanjaro Safaris, Tough to be a Bug, Kali,
Dinosaur and then go to another park)
1/2 Disney Boardwalk at night

Hopefully this helps.

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