Day your travel documents show up!!!!!!


Original Poster
I gotta tell ya.........And hopefully its not just me.....But I am so Giddy...I have been dancing around my house.
When I got home today....Our itinerary and tickets from WDW Travel came today along with our luggage tags.

Is it just me or does anyone else get all happy and giddy when they arrive?
To me it just sorta makes the trip real and I now know its just right around the corner.
Hope I am not the only crazy one!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I haven't experienced that yet, as this is the first time we have stayed on property and it won't happen till April. I just booked my package this week and was wondering what I should expect to receive in the mail. Did you receive all this stuff after paying in full?


New Member
I did the same thing this past March when I received my info from Disney! I was so happy and I must of looked at the info a hundred times, like I didn't already know what was in there and what it looked like......:p


Original Poster
I haven't experienced that yet, as this is the first time we have stayed on property and it won't happen till April. I just booked my package this week and was wondering what I should expect to receive in the mail. Did you receive all this stuff after paying in full? dont start getting stuff till 15-30 days before your travel date.........Except the initial itinerary.


New Member
Yeah um.. i jump up and down and start running around the house... i usually put the mailings on the fridge and it keeps me going through the day.:p


New Member
I've been giddy since March when we booked the trip. I'm 29 turning 30 when I'm down there and I feel like I'm 10 years old again. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!:sohappy:


New Member
I'm not sure who was more excited that our package arrived, My 7 year old daughter or me. She is thrilled that we are giong to Disney for her Birthday.

My First post!!!!!
:sohappy: :wave:


Active Member
I gotta tell ya.........And hopefully its not just me.....But I am so Giddy...I have been dancing around my house.
When I got home today....Our itinerary and tickets from WDW Travel came today along with our luggage tags.

Is it just me or does anyone else get all happy and giddy when they arrive?
To me it just sorta makes the trip real and I now know its just right around the corner.
Hope I am not the only crazy one!!!!!

nah - i go nuts when i get the currency (just got it today infact)

still have 2 weeks to go :cry:

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