Day before you leave..........


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Well I leave in 18 hours..........just wondering what emotions, rituals, etc....everyone else goes through right before the trip?

My mother in law called me yesterday and she said although she's Sooooo excited, she's starting to worry about how much money she's going to spend! :)

As for me I'm VERY excited, but I'm starting to stress about getting everything done (I own my own business and it's hard to get someone ready to take over for a week).

So how do you all feel/what do you do the day before your trip?

Sleeping is another story! I don't know how I'll get to sleep tonight, but I don't want my day ruined tomorrow because I'm so tired!



Well-Known Member
I am one of those people who is still doing loads of last minute things even if I have planned for months! I always spend the night before double checking suitcase, packing list, money, tickets etc! Go to sleep reading the guidebooks with a Disney CD playing...enjoy..I am so jealous we have 6 more months to go and its killing me~
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New Member
I always wait until the last minute to pack, so that's usually what I'm doing on the night before we leave. I also check over the last minute details for the itinerary and get all the shiny pennies I can find out of my change jar (for the penny smushers) and get all the quarters I can find. I make sure to pack plenty of film etc. and about 3 outfits for each actual day we'll be there. Then I try to sleep, but it's hard...
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Well-Known Member
I also own a business and the stress of going on vacation is brutal. The idea is not to call the office...whatever it is can wait...

Once we did our usual packing of the car the night before (we drive from Jersey)..this way at 3am we rise, throw the kids and cooler in the car and go,,,St Augustine by 6:30 pm! Anyway, we get in the car at 3 am turn the key and .........nothing, we had left an interior light on all night...drained the batttery...not a word was said between the cables, jumped the car...never looked back. We made it. God bless WDW and Rte 95
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Well-Known Member
I can't really concentrate on anything else that doesn't have something to do with me going to disney. I just think about disney, disney, DISNEY! I listen to music too! I double check eveerything too, like cameras,film, ect.
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Well-Known Member
The day before we leave.....................
Dog to the kennels and cat to the cattery (they has to have a holiday as well !!!)
Check all the camera equipment (again), mains adaptors, battery recharger, films etc, etc, etc
Close the suitcases
Check all the tickets (again), flight, car rental, attraction
Check the maps and guide books
Make sure the credit cards are clear
Check the car - fuel, water, tyre pressures etc prior to the drive to the airport
So much to do and so little time to do it in
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New Member

After I have packed my bags, I always watch a Disney vacation planner video (they had free ones a couple of years ago). That brings me into a great Disney-mood....

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New Member
I'm another one who waits til the last minute. Me and my family always go the day after Thanksgiving which means that we have relitives over til about about 9 to 10 o'clock at night. After they leave thats when I pack. Grab a suitcase, throw some clothes in it, get my toiletries together, get my carry on bag together, and make sure all my camera equipment is charged and ready. This takes me about a half an hour to do all of this. Then I get about 2 to 3 hours sleep. The only problem with doing this is when I get up the next morning and get ready to go to the airport, I'm always paranoid that I've forgotton something and half the time i do. Still its only like a toothbrush or something, nothing important. Anyways who wants to brush there teeth on vacation.....:D .

15 Days :p
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New Member
I'm usually a last minute packer, but lately I have started getting ready to go much earlier, which makes packing stress free and eliminates worrying.

I'm pretty much worthless at work, though. I just get so excited that I have trouble concentrating. Everyone says, "She must be going to Disney, look at all the mistakes she is making." :lol:
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New Member
We've got 12 days to go and I'm already preparing.

I've pulled out my short sleeved shirts and other summer stuff (I'm praying for warm weather!) and put them aside.

I just purchased 2 suitcases for my girls - the ones that the handle pulls up and has wheels. They're small enough for them to carry themselves - it'll take some pressure off mommy & daddy.

I've checked and confirmed and re-checked again all of our ressies ... now if 11/27 would just get here already!
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Jedi Osborn

Active Member
We put the finishing touches on our packing (well, my wife does. Being a guy, I just pack everything the night before), put everything by the door to be ready in the morning and all the while watch/listen to the Vacation Videos.
Oh baby, only 15 more days!!!!!
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Active Member
The Day Before A Trip...

Well, if all goes as planned, I have already packed. I always make a packing list, which helps organize things.

The day before a trip, I spend the morning finishing up any last minute work I need to do (I also own my own business, but with no employees...just me), make sure the bills are paid, that were due during the time of the trip and try to quit about noon.

Then the rest of the day, is just for me to try to relax, relax, relax. I find that it helps me de-stress before a trip. Of course, I still have trouble sleeping because of the excitement.
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New Member
Originally posted by Holly
We've got 12 days to go and I'm already preparing.

I've pulled out my short sleeved shirts and other summer stuff (I'm praying for warm weather!) and put them aside.

It was the 12th day to Disney and my true love packed for me .... 12 short sleeve shirts.

It was the 11th day to Disney......

and a Mikey on Main Street.


Sorry, I couldn't resist .... I'm jelious -- we have year yet.
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New Member
This is the day before for me also. I slept late. Cleaned the house and caught up on the laundry and ironing. I'm almost all packed(I hate packing).
I want to wish you a lot of fun on your trip. Joanie
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Well-Known Member
I must visit the forums every hour to see if anything has changed. I must then watch EVERY Disney World related video before. I must pack to Tapestry of Nations.
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New Member
not the day before but the month leading up to leaving we usually make a plan before we go of where we will go each day and what we are going to do each night as far as dinner and stuff. usually go over the plan every night and change it 100 times before we actually leave. the week before we watch past home disney videos and disney vacation videos, and check out park maps. we never pack until the day we leave. im not quite sure why we ever make a plan though because when we actually make it to orlando the plan goes and everythings kind of done as we go.

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:
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Since we've left the same exact Wednesday the past few Novembers, I always wake up early to see who won the elections.

Of course in 2000, I stayed up all night watching NO ONE win the Presidency.
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I leave in 4 days and now I'm having a panic attack after reading the post about 150.00-200.00 a day for food! That is quite a bit more than what I was anticipating for 6 of us!
Back to the original question -- I spend my last day worrying about getting the house in tip top shape so I can come home to a clean house. Crazy I know.
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New Member
Originally posted by teenamw
I leave in 4 days and now I'm having a panic attack after reading the post about 150.00-200.00 a day for food! That is quite a bit more than what I was anticipating for 6 of us!
Back to the original question -- I spend my last day worrying about getting the house in tip top shape so I can come home to a clean house. Crazy I know.

We do the same thing.

And that sounds right for food -- I came up with $180 a day average, however you can go cheaper. Very often we find that one hamburger and fries is easily enough for two to split if you will be eating both lunch and supper, so that could cut your costs. Plus a fruit cup in the morning is a lot cheaper and still filling. Turkey Legs are extremly filling as well for two and aren't that high. All the salads are humungous and can feed two. How many kids are there, I find that the kids meals are a great bargain at $3.50 a meal. It won't be as bad as you may think, but it is always nice to have more than you need.
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