Andrew C
You know what's funny?
Circle of Life?
Stave Church?
Japan's "new exhibit"?
I've taken the liberty of rating these for you on a scale of OMG DID YOU HAHAHA to Great.
You're really reaching here. Why not mention Club Cool, at least you get something out of it (sticky feet). There's nothing really worth the ticket cost, you can get more "fun" out of Disney Springs these days.
So you go to Epcot and you spend money. If you were there a few weeks ago you would have noticed the abysmal Soarin picture quality, I'd rather stick myself in the arm with a screwdriver than to do that ride twice in a day. OK so you buy breakfast, did you know that you could do that without entering the park? Single rider on Tron Track, OK that ride's pretty lame but at least the outdoors part of it is good, unless it's raining and it's down or delayed. Ellen's Energy Adventure, that's a great place for a nap. You can also nap at home and save some bucks.
Canada 360 film, the one from the 1980s right? You would be the only person in the theater, no-one else pays it much attention.
So far you have spent roughly 30 minutes in attractions and it's time for a late lunch? Oh my! What were you doing with all that extra time? Spending money?
" I only write it to disprove the idea that there's nothing to do but shopping and dining in Epcot"
- eat a nice breakfast at Seasons
- nice late lunch out on the patio of the Rose & Crown
- now it's wine-thirty, so I head up to the wine kiosk in France for a glass or two
- followed by dinner at my choice of many fine restaurants
- After dinner I head to the Rose & Crown for a couple of tasty martinis
Alright, you've described a very nice day of shopping and eating with a $100 cover charge. You've confirmed exactly what I've implied. Bravo.
Everyone gets that EPCOT needs work. It is no secret. Even the people who still love to go there know this to be true. So why do you insist on rubbing it in peoples' faces with rudeness and condescension instead of just disagreeing in a civil manner?