Daddy and Daughter trip again with Mom This Time

For those of you who remember us from last year, you know that my daughter and I are true Disney nuts and it has become our end of summer, before school starts, blowout time together. Last year, my wife decided to stay home. I didn’t go into any great detail as to why, but it was due to her having horrible bouts of vertigo. It was to the point, she couldn’t ride anything. As this year progressed and the plans for this trip started to take shape, my wife decided she wanted to come this year and went to see her physician for something to help with her issue. She was able to get a plan from the doctor which ended up working great. Another twist to the trip was that we would drive down to Disney. This was a huge stretch for me as I’m not a huge fan of long drives, especially not 12 hour ones. I’ve had a lot of people tell me it wasn’t horrible and I figured I would at least give it a try. Our home away from home was going to be the Boardwalk and all of us were pretty excited to go. A week before the trip we added some extra folks with my sister in law and her niece meeting us there.
So after a Thursday night of loading the car up and a few hours of sleep, we began our journey at 2:00 am. This was well planned on my point as I thought my wife and daughter could sleep for a good portion of the trip through Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. Well, that was the initial thought. As we drove from one side of Louisiana to the other, I would look in the rear view mirror to see my daughter watching movies on my Ipad. Luckily, by the time we reached Mississippi, she dozed off and for the next few hours it was very quiet and the time and miles actually passed pretty quickly. By the time we reached the Florida border everyone was back awake and we pushed on until we reached Orlando. The total drive time ended up being right under 12 hours and we pulled into the Boardwalk about 3 in the afternoon. We checked in and got to see the 1 bedroom DVC that would be our home for a week. If you have never stayed at the Boardwalk, the rooms are truly amazing.
The original plan was to rest for a few hours and then head to Magic Kingdom for the evening and extra hours. As you can imagine, an 8 year old back at Disney after a year was ready to go. So off we went to the bus stop to catch a ride to the kingdom.


Active Member
love the pictures! They're all so good! You're little one is braver than me! I'm an old lady who still won't do these!


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love the pictures! They're all so good! You're little one is braver than me! I'm an old lady who still won't do these!
Thanks. It wasn't the best photography trip, but it was a great trip with my daughter and my wife being able to ride with us made the trip the best one so far. I'm not sure brave is the word...... crazy like her daddy, maybe. :)


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Love the pictures....espeically the fireworks!
Thanks. Shooting the fireworks has become one of my favorite things to do at Disney.


Well-Known Member
Your photography is incredible. Some of the shots you got I am sincerely envious of and I absolutely love the ToT shot in the sepia tones!

Your daughter is adorable and has nerves of steel! We finally got DS6 on Space Mountain this last trip but he still wouldn't do Big Thunder. I'm thinking we may be able to get him on RnR this year simply out of the fact that, like SM, he won't be able to see it until it's "too late." LOL!


Well-Known Member
Love the pic of your daughter in front of the height sign! That is just the perfect age - especially if she loves thrill rides!


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Your photography is incredible. Some of the shots you got I am sincerely envious of and I absolutely love the ToT shot in the sepia tones!

Your daughter is adorable and has nerves of steel! We finally got DS6 on Space Mountain this last trip but he still wouldn't do Big Thunder. I'm thinking we may be able to get him on RnR this year simply out of the fact that, like SM, he won't be able to see it until it's "too late." LOL!
Thank you. I'm probably going to keep playing with that shot. Trying to get to a spooky look, lol.

Em doesn't fear much, so the rides are easy to get her on. Now the logic you are using with your son is the only way we get my wife on the rides, lol.


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Love the pic of your daughter in front of the height sign! That is just the perfect age - especially if she loves thrill rides!
In reading your trip report with your son, I sure hope Em and I can continue our trips when she gets older. The trips are truly times we both enjoy.


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The third day started with an early seating at Ohana. While the character meals really don’t impress Em anymore, the family style breakfast is enjoyed by all in the family. The service was excellent and so was the food. With full bellies, we headed out for our day.

Now for the folks that don’t like “that other park” , skip down………..

For the past year or so, my daughter has turned into a Potter junkie. She loves the movies and our evenings are usually spent watching one of them. Now that I was sure she was tall enough to ride Forbidden Journey, we figured we would take 1 day to head to Universal. Being that we had the first slot for breakfast, we were done and at the park right as it opened. We headed directly to the world of Potter and jumped into line for FJ. The wait was at 30 minutes. I had been to Universal once before, but really didn’t spend any time in the area. My first impression was that it was well done, just really small.



The forbidden journey que was actually impressive to me. I thought it was well done and somewhat entertaining. I wish my 50 lens would have been working correctly as I had some really cool shots that were just not in focus.


The actual ride was better than I expected and was really fun. After we finished the ride we spent about 30 minutes in the area and Em got to try a Butter Beer. I think the novelty wore off pretty quick as I had to finish it.

With the area being so small, it became very uncomfortable with the crowds quickly and we decided to venture out to the rest of the park. We spent the rest of the day in the 2 parks and for the most part, had a lot of fun. I will say I do like the vip pass that can be purchased with the ticket that allows for not waiting in line. That was kinda cool.

We left at about 4 and headed back to the hotel to rest up for evening extra hours at MK


Well-Known Member
Your pics of Wishes and Illuminations are GREAT!! Gives me hope that someday soon mine will look like that!! haha.

Uni did great with the HP area, but you are right, it's is VERY small. We went the Thanksgiving after it opened and it was a MADHOUSE!!! We waited about an hour for FJ at 6pm (it was over 2 hours during the day) I think you either have to hit it right away or later in the day around 5pm or later. We went last May and went at like 5:30pm and waited about 15-20 mins.


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We headed to MK around 7:30 that night and planned to catch Wishes again and then run the park until the close of extended hours. My wife decided to stay in, so it was just me and Em to start and we would meet my sister-in-law and her niece. Like always, we started with Pirates. Since I had brought all of my lenses on the trip, this time I packed an 85 mm 1.8 lens to take with me. The focal length may have been a bit long, but at lease I was able to get this one to focus.







After Pirates we were able to meet up with the rest of our little group and it was decided they would go ride while I set up for Wishes. If you remember from earlier, my daughter likes watching but doesn’t like waiting around while I set up. This time I was able to get on to Main St about 50 yards away from the hub. It worked out really well that I had enough space to set up and nobody ran into me.







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The colors in this picture are absolutely beautiful!
Thank you. I was actually surprised when I sat to edit the picture. Believe it or not, that picture has very little editing to it. It was a little blown out and when I backed the highlights off, the colors just jumped out at me. I guess its better to be lucky :)


Well-Known Member
Okay, I know people get annoyed with questions like this but I'm preparing for our trip in November and really want to try and get some photos of Wishes like yours. So here's the questions, did you use ND filters and if so what f-stop was it, about how long were the exposure (I know you probably used several, just looking for a ballpark), and what was your aperture set to?

I know its annoying, just trying to be as prepeared as possible. Thanks.


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LOL, it not annoying. I don't think anybody has the right to be annoyed when asked about there photos. and btw, its actually a great question because I didn't go into in the trip report. This year I did not use a ND filter. For no other reason than I forgot them on my desk at home. For the finales, they definitely would have helped. These were no ND at f22, the exposures ranged from 30 seconds to 90 seconds. Since I don't know the shows that well, I usually watch you tube video of the show and make a script to shoot by using my iphone as the stopwatch during the show.

I did use ND filters last year and the times were about the same with a couple of exposures being longer but my f stop ranged from 10-14.


Active Member
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Okay, I know people get annoyed with questions like this but I'm preparing for our trip in November and really want to try and get some photos of Wishes like yours. So here's the questions, did you use ND filters and if so what f-stop was it, about how long were the exposure (I know you probably used several, just looking for a ballpark), and what was your aperture set to?

I know its annoying, just trying to be as prepeared as possible. Thanks.
Oh and let me add that if you don't have this book, I highly recommend it for being truly prepared for Disney Fireworks

I hope the guys at Disney Photography Blog don't mind me using the picture, but without a doubt, I learned more from the book about photographing fireworks than I ever thought I could.


Well-Known Member
Oh and let me add that if you don't have this book, I highly recommend it for being truly prepared for Disney Fireworks

I hope the guys at Disney Photography Blog don't mind me using the picture, but without a doubt, I learned more from the book about photographing fireworks than I ever thought I could.

Oh yeah, I have it and have read it over quite a few times now. I purchased the updated version that they put out a month or two back. I purchased the digital copy so I could read it from any computer that I was close to.

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