D23 What Did You Expect?


New Member
Original Poster
Hi all I am pretty new around here few posts here and there.I see the majority of the people in here are unhappy what D23 turned out to be.I was wondering what did you expect it to be and what would you like to see added to change your mind to sign up?I for one am taking the wait and see route before I decide.Far as the pricing I am not shocked or anything if you check out some band fan clubs they are right up there in price and some of them you get less far less for perks.Thanks for reading.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
I was actually expecting something I'm glad they didn't include, forums.

I don't think they could do as well was what we have in WDWMagic [thanks again Steve!] but might draw some of Steve's support base away.

The website has some nice stuff, but anyone can view it, member or not. The magazine and access to merch is pretty much what else I expected, I won't be buying any expensive pens, but the T's and Polo's are priced like anything else Disney sells like them.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Well - I expected it to be the official Disney version of wdwmagic.com - with participation by Disney Staff.

That means FREE, and loaded with info. THEIR D23 costs a bunch, and I frankly doubt that they have any info that will not hit THIS board within 37 seconds of announcement.

They don't even have boards.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
They don't even have boards.
Sorry, but in my view that's a good thing.

Disney couldn't build what we have here, but by trying they might draw some of Steve's support base away and both sites would be lesser for it. Much better that Disney stay well away from forum-building.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Sorry, but in my view that's a good thing.

Disney couldn't build what we have here, but by trying they might draw some of Steve's support base away and both sites would be lesser for it. Much better that Disney stay well away from forum-building.
Oh, I agree! But the way that they advertised it, I thought it was a no brainer that they would have boards.


Liker of Things
I expected some kind of glorified salute to prime numbers since 23 is the 9th prime number and the square root of 9 is 3, also a prime number.


New Member
Something not hosted by Disneyshopping.com

That being said, if they wanted to target this right, 5-10% off of any purchase from a Disney owned store with a D23 Membership card. This would of given The Disney Stores more sales even with AP holders, and for those that do not hold APs or have perks could be buying more things in the resorts shops.

Something like that on top of what they offered would of made it worth it for me to pay nearly 80plus for membership. After all, that is what Iger keep complaining about at the parks and suffering Disney Stores..people are not buying the same amount of merch they once were.

Something like that and an East Coast Expo would made if a definite for me.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
that's what marketing schemes are.... things designed to get your money.

IMO, this is Disney charging for what should be a value added portion of another program.


New Member
I expected (or was at least braced for) exactly what they delivered.

Now what I wanted, or what I think they should expand to, is totally different:

1) An online community of some kind. Yes, forums would be great, but I do understand the difficulty/risk. An online social network/virtual world similar to VMK or Second Life - geared toward the parks, and not so much towards children like VMK was.

The possiblities are endless - detailed park environments for all the worldwide parks, alternate worlds with parks from different eras including past attractions, other worlds not park-related (such as from different Disney Movies), a virtual recreation of the Burbank offices (so you can go in and throw things at executives, spray paint their desks, etc.)

Okay I'm kidding on that last one.

2) In-park events, promotions, festivals, etc. Yes, I realize that the Con Center is right across the street from DL, but that doesn't count.

3) Inclusion of Orlando.

4) More homage to park history, things "retro-related," if you will.

5) Anything special (whether it's in a park or out) that can be accessed by members only.

6) Certain discounts/promotions (park related) that are made available to members first, like with AP holders.

7) A unique collectible item(s) of some kind given to members on a regular basis (annually for example).

That's a start.


Well-Known Member
ANY perk would have been better than a not-so-cleverly disguised merchandise catalog that you need to pay a hefty surcharge to get access to!

It's not the money, really. It about the lack of anything you get to go with it.

And Disney would never allow discussion boards or user-generated feedback on an official site. They check the online boards and they know how ruthless "true fans" can be...

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I expected (or was at least braced for) exactly what they delivered.

Now what I wanted, or what I think they should expand to, is totally different:

1) An online community of some kind. Yes, forums would be great, but I do understand the difficulty/risk. An online social network/virtual world similar to VMK or Second Life - geared toward the parks, and not so much towards children like VMK was.

The possiblities are endless - detailed park environments for all the worldwide parks, alternate worlds with parks from different eras including past attractions, other worlds not park-related (such as from different Disney Movies), a virtual recreation of the Burbank studios (so you can go in and throw things at executives, spray paint their desks, etc.)

Okay I'm kidding on that last one.

2) In-park events, promotions, festivals, etc. Yes, I realize that the Con Center is right across the street from DL, but that doesn't count.

3) Inclusion of Orlando.

4) More homage to park history, things "retro-related," if you will.

5) Anything special (whether it's in a park or out) that can be accessed by members only.

6) Certain discounts/promotions (park related) that are made available to members first, like with AP holders.

7) A unique collectible item(s) of some kind given to members on a regular basis (annually for example).

That's a start.
On comments 2-7....There is no reason whatsoever to think that they won't do these things. D23 has been up for a whopping 3 days so far. Did you really expect a laundry list of events to be announced on launch day?


New Member
On comments 2-7....There is no reason whatsoever to think that they won't do these things. D23 has been up for a whopping 3 days so far. Did you really expect a laundry list of events to be announced on launch day?

You must not have read my second sentence.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
You must not have read my second sentence.
I read it but in that second line you intimated that you wanted all of that at launch. I knew what we were going to get at launch.....A club with some kind of newsletter and exclusive merchandise...Nothing more. I also have an idea of what it could expand to and I believe that we will see many of the things that you have mentioned but it will take time. I am a bit peeved about the D23 expos being held in Anaheim but I have become use to the Disney Organization looking at WDW as a red headed step child with a huge trust fund.

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