cutest thing your child or someone else's said in disney


Well-Known Member
When I was on my CP, I had a couple encounters with "natural" magic. Once, I was wandering WS during Tapestry. It was fall, so the dragonflies were all around (munching on mosqitoes, thank goodness), and a little girl (maybe 3 or 4) was watching the them and turned to her dad and asked him how they made those flying things for the parade. Another time, I was giving a tour at The Land, and one of my guests asked me if I had seen the animatronic aligators over at MK (she was an adult). Racking my brain, I asked her if she meant the ones on Splash or Snow White or the Crocodiles on the Jungle Cruise, and she said, no, the one in the lake in Frontierland. Then I realized she meant Smiley, and she was a bit surprised when I told her that was not, in fact, an animatronic.

Just cracks me up, sometimes, when people think nature is in fact Disney-made.


New Member
My son was 22 months old on his first trip. He was a bit timid anyway. After seeing all of the 3-d shows and riding some other rides, we went on Haunted Mansion. When we got in our doombuggy he put his head on my shoulder and said, "Disneyworld is scarey!!!" It was so sweet.


New Member
Shortly after we arrived in WDW my seven year old niece decided, like most kids, she wanted to work there when she grew-up, preferably as a performer. So on the sad plane ride home she and I were discussing our plans for the future, because I too want to work at WDW when I grow-up. LOL!:lol: I told her she could be a princess and I would be someone who had a costume where you don’t see me. After giving it a moment’s thought she tells me she could be Lady Tremain and I could be Lucifer. When I ask her why she would want to be mean old Lady Tremain she replied “You have to be someone fat like Lucifer and I want to be someone who would be with you, because I want to be with you always Tia.” We finally decide on her being Cinderella and me being Gus, because I can’t imagine her being anything less than a princess. <O:p</O:p




New Member
Sorry, but this takes place at Islands of Adventure. Anyway, after riding Poyeye and Bluto's Blige-Rat Barges (which far exceeds Kali and every other river raft ride I've ever been on), this sopping wet 5-year-old British kid looks up at his dad and in his thick accent goes, "Father, I am saturated." What 5-year-old kid says "saturated"?


nickcarraway said:
What 5-year-old kid says "saturated"?
A british one. Anyhoo, my little sister said something wonderful because of Disney. She didn't say it in Disney. She said it shortly after we came home. See, she's a little autistic. So when she was four, she almost never spoke. And even when she did, she spoke in small, quiet words only when it was absolutely necessary. She could talk, but she just refused to. Plus, she always had her head down & was very isolated. Then, after going to Disney World for the first time, she looked up at my mom and said "Mom, can we go there again?" It was the first full sentence she ever said to my mother. Plus after that, she talked and looked around a lot more.

Wannabe Walt

New Member
The funniest/cutest thing I've heard in WDW was at the Port Orleans Riverside soda fountains in the Food Courts. There was this British family that had just bought one of the free-refil cups and they were figuring out what soda they wanted. They were trying Sprite when I walked up and one of the boys goes "Ewww! Its flavored water!!!" so they start looking for a different one and the mother or grandma is reading off the lables and she gets to "Barq's Root Beer" and goes "Root beer?" in one of the most confused voices I've ever heard. :lol: it was great! I was going to bend over and say "Actually, it's rather good" but I didnt.


Active Member
So last August we went to WDW when my boy, Nate, was 21 months old. He was an early talker and has been very vocal since he's been about 10 or 11 months. I always tell people "he wakes up talking, goes to sleep talking and sometimes even talks in his sleep." He's also a brave kid, so we decided to see if he could handle "Wishes". All day long we prepped him for the show telling him we were going to watch fireworks over the castle when it got dark outside and he was pretty excited for it.

Cut to the fireworks...

We're standing right in front of Casey's Corner on Main Street and the fireworks are blasting everywhere. The music is blaring from a speaker right over our heads. I'm watching Nate and he's totally awestruck; his jaw hanging open. He hasn't said a word the entire time.

The big finale comes with a huge flourish of fireworks and a hundred thundering booms and then everything goes silent. Nate, without blinking an eye puts an enthusiastic hand in the air and, at a complete loss for words, shouts out the only thing he can handily identify...



New Member
At AK a few years ago, my family and I went on Kali, my then 5yr old niece got on kicking and screaming, she wasn't big on rides at the time. During the ride, my nephew and I got totally drenched and she got a small drop of water on her shirt and said the following in a upset little girl way "I'M ALL WET!" Needless to say, it's a family phrase anytime someone gets a little (or a lot) of water splashed on them.


Active Member
Our friends took their little girl to WDW for the first time and when she saw Princess Jasmine for the first time she asked her where her dog was. She was confused because my dog is named Jasmine after the princess of course. They said Princess Jasmine looked at them like "huh?" so they had to explain it to her. I thought it was cute.

My three year old got on the monorail in September and announced to everyone that the monorail smelled like it needed its diaper changed. It was very crowded and everyone started laughing because she was so determined about getting that point across.


New Member
We were on the dock at the Beach Club last month watching Illuminations and it was my nephew's 6th birthday. He had gotten birthday greetings all day in the parks and topping it off with the fireworks was really special. As we walked back towards towards the resort, he stopped and said to me "Auntie Nancy this is the most magical place in the whole world!". Couldn't agree more!


Well-Known Member
When we were there for my daughter's 5th birthday one of the first things she said to me when she saw Mickey was "You know that's not the real Mickey, that's just a person in a costume. You know how I know? Because the real Mickey talks." (Thank goodness she didn't say it too loud :D)


New Member
Aurora_25 said:
When we were there for my daughter's 5th birthday one of the first things she said to me when she saw Mickey was "You know that's not the real Mickey, that's just a person in a costume. You know how I know? Because the real Mickey talks." (Thank goodness she didn't say it too loud :D)

That reminds me of what my 5 year old said: "Those are just people in costumes, if they didn't do that then they would just be blobs"


New Member
I was at ESPN club, And We were Watching when Nomar Garciaparra Tore His Groin....

The Annoucner Later Said "The Latest On Nomar is that he Tore His groin"

My Little Cousin Then Shouted out "DADDY WHATS A GROIN???" Very Loudly. :lol:


New Member
Jodi's Dad said:
The last trip we took we had twin five year olds. We do foster care with the chance to adopt but anyway one of the twin girls said look it's magic. So as Iam trying to find the magic she pointed it out to me. It was the lights they put in the trees. Such a simple thing may live in her memory forever and in mine for sure.

oh my gosh!! Thats just what happened to me! Except i was 13! HAHA! Seriously though, i pointed at the trees and the sparkling lights with my parents and went "OH MY GOSH, its Disney Magic!!!" My parents asked, havent u noticed that before and i was like no! I thought it was so cool, and now im 14 and i still do! Gosh now i feel like im immature...:rolleyes:


Active Member
I just remeber this time we were riding Disney buses to Downtown Disney and there was this cute 2 year old boy on the bus. He was obviously just learning to talk because he said only very few words and sort of messed them all up a bit. But he was so excited to be able to identify things that he saw that he kept shouting out everything that he knew the name of. Well when we came around by the new fire station across from Saratoga Springs he saw a fire engine parked out in the front. He jumped up on his seat and pointed out the window and started yelling "Big *______!" Well it rhymed with truck anyway. The whole bus was laughing hysterically while the kids poor parents just looked mortified. But he just kept on pointing and yelling "Big *______!"


New Member
When my son was five years old we were taking the bus back from the Magic Kingdom to the CB at around midnight. My son was sitting on my lap at the front of the bus, which was filled with exhausted, hot people and plenty of sleeping kids. People were standing in the aisles and no one was making a sound. All of a sudden, at the top of his lungs, my son asks, "Mom, where do babies come from?!" The entire bus got hysterical.


Well-Known Member
Today at parade my fellow cast member Bob and I were talking to a little girl and her family. Bob and the dad started talking about the Yankees. The little girl overheard a name that sounded a little like the word "married". She asked "Married?" I tried to correct her but she shouted "Married? Did you have a little baby form in your tummy?!?" :lol:


Another Brit Kid

Asked a young British lad if he drove over from England, he replied, "No, I came on a big Virgin!" :lol:


Active Member
We had just finished our Princess Breakfast at the Castle (June 2003) and were walking through the hall heading towards the rope drop at Fantasyland. The hostess had just announced "now seating the royal ________ family." This man holding his daughter, 3 or 4, I'm guessing passed by us with the hostess. The little girl asked where they were and the father replied that they were in Cinderella's castle. The little girl said "Cinderellellella's castle?" Since then, we have only referred to it as Cinderellellella's Castle.

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