Cute character stories


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Hi I was reading the thread about the nerve of some guests. It brought to mind two really cute stories from our recent trip to the World.

My sons are 7 and 12. They love the characters and the interaction. Two of my favorite things that happened were:

Tigger bouncing my boys. It was in Epcot at the UK pavilion. He came out of the woods and bounced my older son. It was so funny because he did not see it coming. My younger son asked if he wanted to come home with us so Tigger then gestured for them to come with him to the Hundred Acer Woods. It was priceless. Tigger then bounced poor Pooh and Eeryore.

We also had fun with Chip and Dale at Animal Kingdom. Again my younger son asks them to come home with us. Well Chip was all for it but Dale was no Chip has to stay here. The back and forth between characters was so funny.

My son also told every character "Your one of my favorite characters". By the end of the week as soon as we saw him getting close to the character we knew exactly what he was saying and laughed.

okay one more thing. I am positive we saw Ron Stoppable eating dinner one night at the Chef de France. I am sure it was him.


Last trip, my guild (I play World of Warcraft) decided(Dared) that I needed to get my picture taken with Ariel(Running gag, long story, including singing Disney Songs over Ventrillo, we're really quite a riot). I got in line for the Grotto with girlfriend in tow, waited 20ish minutes and finally got to her. She called me Prince Chuck, asked if I had got my cool t-shirt from the festival down the river(SWW) all the while my gf took some awesome candid looking photos. It was a great experience, and I got to rub it in my friend's faces :) :)

They're trying to think of somebody else a 24 year old guy wouldn't exactly fit in, I'm assuming another princess.


Active Member
I went through the Epcot International Gateway around 1:00, and Chip and Dale were trying to "escape" over the fence. The attendant told me that they were trying to get ice cream, Chip then decided that he was going to con me into buying it for them. It was cute, they followed me around, trying to hook their arms in mine and walk me over to the vendor cart.


New Member
Back in 2002 right before our trip to WDW my daughter broke her arm. She was 6 at the time (her first trip to WDW)

Every time we ran into a character, they paid a little extra attention (sometimes a lot) to her and all signed her cast.

While having the broken arm was not any fun, the extra attention (hugs) she got from the characters (and even ordinary CM's) made a big difference for the trip.



Well-Known Member
A couple of cute things happened on our last trip. My dd had a Tower of Terror Stitch keychain on her backpack, which Stitch tried to steal while Lilo was signing the autograph. Then Stitch messed up her hair before the picture. We got some great candid shots! The characters love to shine my brother's bald head at the character meals. We never get tired of it.


Well-Known Member

We had just left the Imagination ride when we walked by Figment standing all by himself waiting for people to come visit him.

I had my niece and nephew take a photo with him. He then led us into his room where there was a weird mirror and fun painted walls. As no one was in line to meet Figment, my niece and nephew spent a good 10 minutes of quality play time with Figment.

Figment played with my nieces hair and at one point, she turned and her head and his beak bumped. She thought it was the funniest thing.

Here is a shot of her reaction:


Active Member
I have a couple of stories and actually both pertain to Villians.

My son went up to get the autograph of Jafar, and Jafar stole his baseball cap. My son didn't want to go up and get it from him, but finaly did. It was really cute.

My daughter was wearing a visor that said princess on it and we were seeing the evil queen from Snow White, and she said in an imperial voice, "Do you know what's better than a Princess?" my daughter said no and she said "A Queen of coarse". My daughter smiled and we got a good laugh about that.


New Member
I had a private audience with Pooh.

Just to preface this, I am not a character person. I have never had a picture taken with a character ever. Not even as a kid. I've just never been into that.

But then again, I'd never met Pooh before.

My kids were with my niece back at the hotel so it was just my hubby, my sister and her hubby enjoying World Showcase for the afternoon. We were in England, in a courtyard where it looked like a band was set up to play but no one was there yet. Anyway, we were just standing there, talking about what to do next, and I can see Pooh and a CM handler coming out of the building and into the far corner across from me. No one else in my party can see this as they have their backs to it.

Pooh gives a little wave. So I give a little wave back.

Pooh waves again and I wave back.

Then Pooh beckons me.

I tell my hubby "I have to go say hello to someone". So I start walking toward Pooh and Pooh walks toward me.

Hubby and the others finally turn to see Pooh. Hubby gets out the camera and takes a great candid picture of Pooh and I meeting and Pooh giving me a hug. I happened to have my son's autograph book in my park bag, and Pooh graciously signed the book for me. We had one posed picture and then Pooh waved goodbye as his handler took him to where ever he was supposed to going.

It was one of my best memories of that trip.


Well-Known Member
i have 2 memories that stand out in my mind:

i was pulled into getting my pic taken with flik from a bugs life in AK and had this bad cough. needless to say i started coughing really badly and was about to walk away but then flik started tapping my back which made me feel better. i thought that was really sweet of flik to do that.

i went to donalds breakfastosaurus in AK and had a table for 1, at the back of the room but it was a view where i could see everything like which characters where coming around and who was coming through the door, so anyway the characters came around and got to my table; they saw me sitting by myself and gave me big hugs and sat at my table and where doing the empty seat gesture as if to say why was i by myself. they signed my autograph book and everytime they came around which was like 4 or 5 times they sat at my table and gave me hugs and all that. :D

that was such an amazing day and its one of the best character meals ive been to - even though the place was full of people they still made a fuss of people each time they did the rounds which i thought was ace!!


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Mine happened on our last trip down in Nov 2004. My mom and I were spending the day at EPCOT and were enjoying a nice dinner at the Garden Grill. Dale came over to our table so I had my picture taken with him and then it was my mom's turn. Just as I'm setting up the picture I see Chip coming down the stairs behind them. The restaurant was really quiet at this point as it was quite late in the evening and we didn't have any occupied tables near us so Chip makes a bee line straight for my mom and Dale, neither of whom saw him coming. I could tell by the way he was approaching he was up to no good and just as I'm about to snap the photo of my mom and Dale, Chip jumps in and tries to push first my mom then Dale out of the way so he can be the center of the picture. I had a hard time actually taking the picture as I was laughing so hard I was nearly in tears :lol:. The resulting picture is priceless. Chip is in the middle with Dale trying to get him out of the way and my mom is laughing and looking over Chip's shoulder. This is one character interaction that I will always remember.


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Our first trip in 1992, we were having breakfast at Chef Mickey's. DD was 3, and she and DH were facing the room, I had my back to it. They could see Pluto coming up behind me but didn't say anything. He grabbed me by the shoulders and started "licking" my head with his tongue. I must have jumped about 3 feet in the air. Everyone in the surrounding tables just howled. Family still laughs about the look on my face - it's become one of our favorite memories.


New Member
I got one, about 2 years ago my family went to Mickeys Tent or whatever and we were visting with Goofy. Well my mom was trying to get something detached, I cant remember what it was. Well while she was pulling on it Goofy got closer to look at it, then it finally detached, but because my mom was pulling so hard her arm flew back and hit Goofy in the face. It was so funny he took a really big fall all the way to the ground, and when he got up he was acting all dizzy and confused. Once he got himself together he acted like he was scared of my Mom, and kept hiding behind the rest of us when she was near him, it was so funny


New Member
I went through the Epcot International Gateway around 1:00, and Chip and Dale were trying to "escape" over the fence. The attendant told me that they were trying to get ice cream, Chip then decided that he was going to con me into buying it for them. It was cute, they followed me around, trying to hook their arms in mine and walk me over to the vendor cart.

I love it when characters do silly stuff like that. I once had one of the disney villians (dont ask me which one, i was nine) use some of the rope that sepirated the lines and tied me to a post!

Another time at chef mickeys, pluto asked me to marry him, then proceded to pick me up and carry me out. (after i had eaten about a dozen mickey waffles of course)

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