Just want to bring something up that definitely falls in the bad guest behavior and to me, and alot of the people around me, was very annoying. My DD, DW and I were at MK a couple of weeks ago, and had found our spot to watch HEA. We were standing by the one corner of the Plaza restaurant, the corner that is is closest to the entrance to Tomorrowland Terrace and the backstage walkway behind MS. As alot of you know, they tape off areas on the ground before parades/fireworks to designate the areas for people to pass through if they are not standing and watching. In this particular area, the tape extended out to the corner, so the area we were in was like a triangle, with the corner of the Plaza behind us. Just before HEA started, numerous times, we had groups of people forcing their way through our standing area to save themselves a few seconds of walking that they would have had to do by staying in the designated walking lanes. This was happening enough, and irritating most of us enough, to the point that people would try to get through, and we simply wouldn't move for them, which caused most of them to shove their way through, almost knocking over children in the process, including my DD. Does this kind of thing happen on a regular basis at WDW? Have some park guests completely lost all common sense? Sorry for the rant, but this annoyed me more than anything that week.
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