I'm sure this has been asked 1,000 times but can Genie+ be charged to different accounts on file? I'm going with friends in March who purchased tickets. They have their account and I have mine. We're linked as "Families and Friends" and I'm the one, being an AP holder and experienced visitor, primarily doing the planning in MDE. I just want to make sure that when G+ is purchased, and all guests are checked that I'm charged for myself to my credit card and the wife who is handling for her family is charged for the three of them to their credit card.
If not, does it all go on my card and we have to sift through all the charges for them to figure out how much to reimburse me? Hopefully not.
If not, does it all go on my card and we have to sift through all the charges for them to figure out how much to reimburse me? Hopefully not.