Actually, that is not an ebike. It is a big, bad electric mobility scooter for two. They are close to being a two seater ebike in that many of them have a greater mileage range and can go about three times as fast as a normal one person mobility scooter. Even so, they are legally classified as an electric mobility scooter which means they are allowed everywhere. Basically the only place they can't go is somewhere where there is a restriction on the scooter length allowed. Not that my opinion matters, but, to me, most of them seem to be in sort of a gray area between what should be considered and what shouldn't be considered a necessary mobility scooter.
Both my husband and I have to use scooters for longer distances and the idea of one scooter for both of us sounds ideal. However, to manoeuvre one of them in a line, shop or restaurant would be a real problem and such a large and heavy scooter would be very difficult to transport. Plus,while many of them have a superior braking system, I thoroughly agree it is a bad idea, due to the scooter''s speed and weight, to use them in conditions crowded with pedestrians. .