@Matt_Black, you're giving some parents too much credit for common sense.....
What really got me reading the article? The "disability" guide , when confronted by the reporter, showed no shame and said "capitalism". I'm so tired of people who when caught gaming the system, utter "it's capitalism". Yeah, lady, show your ignorance in addition to the fact that you're a cheater.
My dad suffered from Alzheimer's the last 6 years of his life. One of his great pleasures was the simple activity of grocery shopping with me. As the disease progresses, sufferers experience balance issues, along with that shuffling gate that is so telltale of someone with Alzheimer's. The electric grocery carts allowed my father the joy of shopping for his Oreos and some independence while doing so. But half the time, at least one of the 2-3 carts supplied by my grocery store were occupied by a clearly abled person. I realize that some disabilities are not readily apparent, but dang, when you can get OUT of the cart, walk up to the item you want, grab several of them (on the top shelve, no less) and walk back to the cart, sorry, you're lazy, not disabled. I watched someone load several full - and probably heavy - bags of groceries into the trunk of their car with no problem, and then ride the cart back into the store. Then walk back to their car. Those abled body people who are lazy and use an electric cart, depriving those who really need one, I view with the same disgust as people who illegally park in a handicapped space so they don't have to walk an extra 3 feet to the store entrance.