CP Auditon!!


Original Poster
Hey guys...well I finally got my email, but I don't really know if it is good or bad... : / any thoughts?

Dear Mandy,

Congratulations! You passed your recent Walt Disney World® Character Audition and will be added to a pool of candidates for potential placement. Currently, we have no roles available for your height range; however, because you passed our audition, we would like to keep you in a pending role for the possibility to be a Character Performer. We may or may not be able to extend you an invitation to be a Character Performer.

You will receive your official Disney College Program invitation within the next few weeks, and it will provide you with all the information you need to make a decision about your participation in the program. The letter will explain more fully what the next steps in the process will be.

If you would prefer not to be in the candidate pool, you are welcome to decline the pool and further express interest in a Disney College Program role in another line of business. Please contact Sharon Loeser at Sharon.h.Loeser@disney.com to discuss alternate roles.

Walt Disney established our company to entertain families from all over the world. You have the unique opportunity to continue that tradition and make magical memories for Guests of all ages visiting the Walt Disney World Resort. Congratulations!

The Disney College Program is an outstanding opportunity for students to learn a variety of transferable skills from an industry leader, meet people from all over the world and possibly earn college credit. We hope you will consider our offer and join the Disney team!

We hope to see you again later this year!



New Member
Sounds like they really did think you were good, but you're in a height range they don't really need right now...hope something opens up for you before you get down there!


Original Poster
What do you mean by opening??? How soon will the let me know? Anyone have prior experience?? I just want a answer I hate all this weekend?

Sir Hiss527

New Member
What do you mean by opening??? How soon will the let me know? Anyone have prior experience?? I just want a answer I hate all this weekend?

Well currently I have been in the Character Pool since Feb.1...My height range is 5'10. Anyways it just depends on what they need at the time. I really want to be called soon for the summer. But ya see I was going for Part-time, and your going for CP..I have no idea who they give first priority to first..prolly CP though..lol


Hey guys...well I finally got my email, but I don't really know if it is good or bad... : / any thoughts?
just out of curiosity how tall did they measure you? and Sharon, the lady whose email address was in the letter is really super nice and will answer any questions you might have- probably better than we can


New Member
Basically you did very well in your audition but you aren't in a high demand height range. How tall are you? I would think with the hiring they'll be doing for summer you'd be needed eventually but they seem to have a big surplus in all ranges but mouse.


New Member
Hello everyone! I'm new here...but I had to get on these boards and TALK to someone.

I received the same exact email as danzingcutie12, just last night, and I'm having a hard time deciding whether to be excited or not. I understand my height range is apparently a tough one....5'3", but I don't know if I should decline (I don't want to do anything but character performer. I don't mind if that sounds picky!), or if I should just wait. Does anyone know what the chances are of actually getting the role after being in the pool? Especially at my height, 5'3"? Thanks!!! :)


Original Poster
I emailed Sharon and she explained it a bit better.

I am about 5' 4 which is kinda an in between heights, I feel, for most of the characters in disney....I guess just more waiting...

Sir Hiss527

New Member
So, she explained it and just said there's more waiting? Did she say how long? Anything? Is it weeks or months?

Like I said I've been in the pool since Feb.1, and i'm still waiting..It just depends on what Disney needs at the time. There's not a specific set time, like "O yea we should need people in 2 months, and you'll prolly get called" No it's not like that..The only answer I have is 'patience' lol I'm not very patient either.


New Member
Right. I emailed and they emailed me back and explained too. It's understandable. I'm just trying to decide what to do in the fall...and if this doesn't work out, I want to do something not-Disney. So, I just wonder how long I might have to wait to find out! Eek! Let us know right away!


Original Poster
Here was my response from Sharon....what do you all think??

Right now that means that you are on hold waiting to see if we have a Character Performer position available. There is a chance we will not be able to offer you a role as a character performer. This usually happens when we have many applicants in the same height range who have the same audition results.

Hope this helps! We will be in touch soon.


New Member
I got the same email...but then, there was something more added on about "we wouldn't hold on to your file if there wasn't a chance you'd be given an entertainment offer."

It just depends on what opens and what doesn't. I understand. It just kind of sucks. Ohhhhhh well. :)


New Member
People in this height range have been in the pool since January and February...I wonder if they're waiting for the auditions to finish for the college program?

They can't just tell people working down there..."HEY YOU'RE FIRED, we're pulling in some CP's for just a semester or two."

They really do have to wait to see how many people in the height range make it and if there'll be room for all of them, or any of them.

GAH. Sigh. At least, I'm assuming that.


New Member

how much does height actually play a factor in these auditions cause I came in at 6 3 and a half and I was the tallest at my audition and on the website it say they take special consideration for people 6 foot to 6 3 and other various heights I feel like my audition went well I didnt get called back to dance again Im just curious how this all works out if you dont get a dance callback

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