I figured I’d discuss my own observations in regards to looking back at history.
When it comes to the Country Bear Jamboree rumors.
All I want to say is... do Iger & Chapek remind you of some folks in particular? (*Cough* *cough* Eisner & Pressler *cough*) Just more risk-averse and Franchise-obsessed?
What happened to WDW’s classic Enchanted Tiki Room back in 1998? Keep in mind, this was around the same time Journey Into Imagination changed too. We’ve been hearing *very* similar rumors of Inside Out being proposed with Figment as a simple cameo as opposed to a large role (*Just* like what happened in ‘99 when it was transformed into a ‘Honey, I Shrunk’ themed ride).
*Also*, keep in mind that the current politics of WDI are very much Marc Davis-oriented (Marc had a reputation of holding grudges against Tony and those that “ruined his plans” or “messed with his attractions”) in *any* sort of way. Including the Country Bear Jamboree holiday overlays, which ultimately were tempoarary and didn’t completely replace his shows. Though while they internally hate when corporate goes and demands a change to a Marc Davis-involved/designed attraction, they do it anyway to please the CEOs (obviously so it doesn’t cost their jobs), though sometimes in a poor way to meet corporate’s demands but to ultimately subtlety jab at it.
Tiki Room Under New Management had a bit more leeway though as they were able to deliver their displeasure in the story’s narrative. To mock “New Management” with Iago as Eisner/Pressler and the Tiki gods, Birds, and Zazu portraying the fans & other company folks who were baffled/angry by the changes.
So yeah... all I can say is...
take this all with a grain of salt considering the source and the fact it’s a rumor. *BUT* with a hint of caution.
I see history repeating here and it’s not pretty.
Not too surprising, considering who is currently in charge at WDI and within the High CEO ranks.
Particularly since they’re risk-averse and franchise obsessed. I would *highly* recommend reading this 2002 news article. It has some *very* fascinating info. It mentions the Tiki Room Under New Management as a cited example along with the Country Bears movie