Countdown clock is getting quicker.

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
This may sound weird but I feel the days are flying in now as the countdown calendar reads 33 days to go. Have we got our clothes list right with light wearing t-shirts and our suntan and after sun bag with all we need.Then it's camcorder,camera,charger units,power adaptors,etc,etc.Do any other of you have this fast run in,or does it still drag for you?:eek:


Well-Known Member
This may sound weird but I feel the days are flying in now as the countdown calendar reads 33 days to go. Have we got our clothes list right with light wearing t-shirts and our suntan and after sun bag with all we need.Then it's camcorder,camera,charger units,power adaptors,etc,etc.Do any other of you have this fast run in,or does it still drag for you?:eek:

Once we hit the 30 day mark, I think time has frozen. Minutes have turned to hours, days to weeks, etc.

With that being said, we have very little preparatory work complete; 20 days to go.
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Pooh Lover

Well-Known Member
Hatter, would you mind lending me your countdown clock when your trip is over? Mine seems to almost stop completely the closer I get. The last 2 days are a whirlwind of dropping pets off at a boarder, packing absolute last minute items, watching the weather and worrying over the details!
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Well-Known Member
For me it depends on the week. With 36 days it feels often that things have come to a stand still and yet at the same time, it is flying right by. Especially looking back. I am like where did the week go? I am hoping that it speeds up a little bit once I hit the 30 day mark....but we have a busy few weeks ahead which will probably help in the fact that time will fly. Of course the sooner it gets here, the sooner it is gone...:( but lets not think about that right now...

36 days...and counting
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Well-Known Member
While the worst times for me are a month or two before dining booking and the first 4 months following dining booking, those last 30 days are odd. Like others- part of it just drags and then part of it feels like it's speeding by. Maybe it's b/c I can start doing a lot of the last minute details - which makes it feel like it's almost there, but I can't do the last minute a few days out stuff- which makes me feel like it's ages away. I also usually have a few hurdles or landmark points to get by before a trip...usually keeping busy with other things also helps.

Last trip, aside from dealing with a car accident less than a week out from travel :eek: I also had to pull off DD5's home bday cake and a visit from my family. Let's just say that it was soooooo much- it was departure day before I knew it. Thankfully, start of school, Halloween prep, and DD3s 4th bday prep should keep me distracted as our time winds down on this one.
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Active Member
I'm at 68 days and I feel like things have been speeding up, I remember how far away it felt back in February. I think things are picking up because I started my Masters program the end of May and its 10-3 everyday with a ton of group projects and presentations so I think thats making me feel really busy and time is flying. I'm going to need this vacation by the end of this! its going to be a rush to get ready, I'm leaving the 20th and my program isn't over til the 15th!
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Well-Known Member
Yep, time is whizzing by as the countdown started at 584 days....althou its STILL another 63 day to go :rolleyes:

I don't even want to imagine the countdown from 584, though in all honesty this was our countdown when we went overseas to Europe about three months ago...believe me I know how long of a wait it felt. And yet it has come and will get there! ;)
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Well-Known Member
This may sound weird but I feel the days are flying in now as the countdown calendar reads 33 days to go. Have we got our clothes list right with light wearing t-shirts and our suntan and after sun bag with all we need.Then it's camcorder,camera,charger units,power adaptors,etc,etc.Do any other of you have this fast run in,or does it still drag for you?:eek:
It speeds by, at the 30 day mark for me. I start to panic, and constantly second guess myself and ask "what did I forget???" and "do I have enough time to get it!". No matter how tedious my preparation list is, I always feel like I forgot something. I can honestly say, once the plane lands in Orlando, THAT is when I finally relax, and if I did forget something, it's OK ;)
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Demeter Tess

Well-Known Member
5 days for me! Time seemed to be passing so quickly while I was working (I'm an elementary school teacher), but now that we're on summer break and my life isn't so focused on work, these last few weeks have been dragging, dragging, dragging. I'm filling the void by watching way too many WDW YouTube videos!
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