This is very upsetting to read this whole list of posts. Disney is something that has touched millions of kids and kids at heart. How dare any of you sit here and insult not only us as cast members but our merchandise selection as well. We clock in everyday, smile and greet our guests with friendly hellos and all you mall people give us are dirty looks, and if we tell you about promotions you keep walking by us....why do we want to talk to you? I have worked for disney world merchandise and i have worked for disney store, and lemme tell you waiting on disney store guests is twice as difficult.
Ever since I have placed my name tag over my left breast I have been in charge of offering disney service. You CHEAP people dont seem to understand the value we offer on many of our products. You tell me a single one of you who would walk in a disney store today and drop $500 for an art cell...or $150 for a procelin figurine...the answer is none. Welcome to the game of retail management people. If you arent gonna buy then we arent gonna carry it!! Yes the stores may be run down, and yes maybe the merchandise is not the best, but you find a way to carry over 200 characters on 5-6 different items in 2700sqft.
Please I beg of you your local disney store, TCP is willing to entertain ideas for new product lines call their guest services number. They want to grow the disney stores and offer exciting products but only with your help! Finally treat the cast members with respect its amazing what you might get in return, because all we hear for hours a day are NO..NO..and I DONT CARE. Make us smile and have a good time, and the energy level of the stores will return to disney quality!