Cost for expanded Monorail route vs Skyliner


Park History nut
Premium Member
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but isn't less then half the cost per mile when multiplied by the number of miles the gondola's run amount to a whole crap load more money overall. And even the spreadsheets that you have only show the estimated cost and we all know the number of cost overruns that Disney can generate without trying. Sorry, to say there is no need to spend that much extra when the entertainment value of the monorails is quite will satisfied the way it is. Besides being stranded over water with a breakdown in a monorail is pretty much the same thing as being in a gondola cannot even can be considered close to being an economically or physically wise direction to have gone in.
I was answering that 150 million is less than half of the Skyliner cost. Nothing more.


Well-Known Member
I saw an article awhile back that said approx. $6 million per mile +/-.
I doubt they would sink that kind of coin into a monorail. If they were going to you'd think they would have already done it years ago as the hotel footprints were expanding. Those monorails were pretty beat up the last time I was there and there's only two loops. Imagine keeping up with another one or two loops and the associated trains.

You read an article that was completely, insanely incorrect. It costs $2m-$3m per mile to just build a new 2 lane road. The $150m/mile number is probably a little high, since that was literally on the Vegas strip, but there is no way that it would cost less than $100m/mile for Disney to expand the system. But we've done the monorail dance way too many times on this site.

I was answering that 150 million is less than half of the Skyliner cost. Nothing more.

Right, the entire system was somewhere in the $330m range, correct? A lot of which, I imagine, was in the R&D and implementation of the additional loading areas. Thats the only thing that makes sense, since a similar system placed elsewhere comes nowhere near that cost.


Well-Known Member
I was answering that 150 million is less than half of the Skyliner cost. Nothing more.
I know that... but then it has to be transferred into the number of miles, that's all that I was saying. I know you didn't say it, but there are many here that avoid math to get the real picture. I wasn't implying anything else nor expecting you to do the math either as well as trying to point out the fallacy of the rescue issue. Sorry, I was just playing off your statement and putting it in prospective.


Park History nut
Premium Member
I know that... but then it has to be transferred into the number of miles, that's all that I was saying. I know you didn't say it, but there are many here that avoid math to get the real picture. I wasn't implying anything else nor expecting you to do the math either as well as trying to point out the fallacy of the rescue issue. Sorry, I was just playing off your statement and putting it in prospective.
Apologies not necessary my friend. But thank you.

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