Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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I have been primarily following the medical aspects of this on a close basis, and have been ignoring the economic experts and their opinions on the matter.

2008 Nobel prize winner in economics seems to believe opening too soon is not a good idea. First economics expert I have seen say that but again I have been reading along the medical aspect of thing, so not sure what other economists have been saying.



Well-Known Member
Glad people are wearing gloves and face masks hate to be negative but I think the average person doesn't know how to remove them so they don't spread contamination.
That goes for gloves as well. When i am waiting to get Mrs Ferret at the end of her shift it is mindboggling the number of people that exit her store with gloves on, then proceed to wear the same gloves as they , load the shopping , put on the seatbelt , start the car , chat on their mobile , then drive away both hands firmly on the wheel.
I think John Park Hopper is talking about gloves.

Moreso than the masks, people wearing gloves are going to end up increasing their risk. They seem to think the gloves magically kill the virus. The only way they do any good is if you change them frequently or at least take them off after loading the trunk before touching the door handles, steering wheel etc.

There's a reason that the guidelines say to wash hands and don't say to wear gloves. Gloves give way too much of a false sense of security.

And for Pete's sake, DO NOT TOUCH YOUR PHONE with gloves on or without first washing your hands or using hand sanitizer.


Well-Known Member
I think John Park Hopper is talking about gloves.

Moreso than the masks, people wearing gloves are going to end up increasing their risk. They seem to think the gloves magically kill the virus. The only way they do any good is if you change them frequently or at least take them off after loading the trunk before touching the door handles, steering wheel etc.

There's a reason that the guidelines say to wash hands and don't say to wear gloves. Gloves give way too much of a false sense of security.

And for Pete's sake, DO NOT TOUCH YOUR PHONE with gloves on or without first washing your hands or using hand sanitizer.
There's a video made by a nurse floating around FB that illustrates exactly this. It's a little on the exaggerated side, but she uses paint to illustrate the point quite clearly.


Premium Member
I think John Park Hopper is talking about gloves.

Moreso than the masks, people wearing gloves are going to end up increasing their risk. They seem to think the gloves magically kill the virus. The only way they do any good is if you change them frequently or at least take them off after loading the trunk before touching the door handles, steering wheel etc.

There's a reason that the guidelines say to wash hands and don't say to wear gloves. Gloves give way too much of a false sense of security.

And for Pete's sake, DO NOT TOUCH YOUR PHONE with gloves on or without first washing your hands or using hand sanitizer.


There's a video made by a nurse floating around FB that illustrates exactly this. It's a little on the exaggerated side, but she uses paint to illustrate the point quite clearly.

Here's the video from a nurse in MI about wearing gloves.



Well-Known Member
Continuing an old argument
So by shelter the vulnerable you mean anyone between 6 months and 90+ . Thats the age range for mortality give or take.
You know what the poster meant. The mortality rate is MUCH higher in the elderly population. This is an undisputed fact analyzing every country that has been hit.

You can not protect every single person from possibly being killed by this virus just like you can't protect every six month old from possibly being killed in a car accident.
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When I attend business meetings in a conference room, the facilitator right off the bat informs us what time the breaks, lunch, where the bathrooms are located and end time of the session is. It's followed by a short video on where the emergency exits are or sometimes he or she goes over the information verbally before we get into the meeting agenda. Post Corona life, I'm sure there will be a short little video on washing your hands, social distancing added to the agenda at the start of the meeting. Teach it, learn it, live it...


Premium Member
I’d guess:
1. Guardians slightly delayed but will continue
2. Spine work will continue but will probably be reduced in budget or scale
3. DVC mothballed or cancelled. Not the time to peddle timeshares and this was a largely bad idea anyway. And they haven’t sold the crappy Caribbean very well - as predicted.
4. They’ll complete the swolphin it’s third party, half constricted, and meant to Serve mostly conventions...which may be an issue also. If it was being built by Disney I may question this.

Yet they just filed permits for Reflections on Thursday. So it isn’t dead in the water yet, otherwise why bother filing now?


Premium Member
I think the access to Paris is definitely much easier than you point out. The Anaheim correlation is a good one.

I just wonder if there will be any pause/resistance to traveling by rail or free movement? Europeans tend be much more nothing would surprise me. We ‘Mericans tend not to recognize/respect that enough. Of course I’m not talking about the Brits or Irish...because you’re like...separate...or something?😎

Ireland are still very much in the EU.

And who knows about Brexit. Everyone has more important things on their mind just now.


Well-Known Member
If anyone has Netflix, there is a show called Explained. It’s about 30 shows, all between 15-25 minutes. Each show is about a certain individual subject so you can go through the 2 seasons and pick and choose. Anyway, just watched the one called The Next Pandemic. Go watch it now if you can and will take 20 minutes of your time. Informative.. thought provoking and great information. Thing is, it was released last November and scary how it lines up with what’s going on.


Premium Member
It doesn't really take being around executives really. IF ppl have a household budget no matter the income level it hurts. Having a larger income usually gives ppl more cushion to save for emergencies like suggested, but doesn't mean they have.
Exactly. The fallacy of people earning big incomes and have plenty saved in the bank is fantasy in the sky. Some I know want to keep maintaining their expensive lifestyle ( multiple homes, private schools, high end cars and other toys and lifestyle ). However when some of them get laid off, furloughed or forced to take pay cuts, they fall down hard. Due to corona related issues, a number of high income earners are being laid off and the last I checked some car dealers are starting to get a number of high end exotic car trade ins.
In defense of Disney VPs a lot of the ones impacted live in parts of CA where a million dollars gets you a 3 bedroom 1,500 square foot home. General cost of living is higher for other stuff too. When you are making $200K but have a mortgage payment of $7K a month plus higher living expenses you aren’t rolling in cash. Cost of living varies by location and CA is one of the highest.

Another thing to remember is that good old trickle down economics from the days of the Gipper is real to an extent. When people who make higher wages go out to eat alot and buy nice cars and go on expensive trips to Disney parks there is a trickle down effect on the economy. Lots of jobs rely on that spending. If everyone with high incomes built a vault like Scrooge McDuck and kept all their wealth in there the whole economy would suffer. Off topic, but if anyone is a fan of Duck Tales the next season of the reboot has started up. Available on Disney+.


Well-Known Member
If anyone has Netflix, there is a show called Explained. It’s about 30 shows, all between 15-25 minutes. Each show is about a certain individual subject so you can go through the 2 seasons and pick and choose. Anyway, just watched the one called The Next Pandemic. Go watch it now if you can and will take 20 minutes of your time. Informative.. thought provoking and great information. Thing is, it was released last November and scary how it lines up with what’s going on.
I made the mistake of watching Pandemic right around the time the words "corona virus" first started floating around on social media...


Well-Known Member
I understand that everybody can’t be saved and that the economic and social price are massive and almost incomprehensible but when you fall into the vulnerable category it colours your perspective.......... I’m still a Mum and my husband is still a Dad and a brother. We still lead active lives. We pay taxes, council tax, provide public service, play in a brass band and generally don’t feel ready to give up life without a fight. Please don’t give up on us- if the roles were reversed the aged wouldn’t give up on you! I know that’s very different but even vaguely suggesting that the vulnerable should be left to take their chances is horrific for someone in that category!!


Well-Known Member
At what point are the preventative measures worse than the disease?

This is going to be a bit of an oversimplification and I am sure there will be long winded responses to this statement, but ultimately it’s when the prevention causes more deaths than the disease. So in this situation it’s when the economic destruction and toll begins to cause more deaths than Covid-19 as the #1 goal every nation is working toward at this time is death reduction.


Premium Member
A good part of the economy need to open back up by June 1'st. I work for a research company (primarily focused on providing market, economic, global insights to financial professionals, etc.) The longer this lock down goes on in the US the more catastrophic the economic damage, long term health (mental and physical) damage and family damage will be.

The at risk and elderly should have been advised to shelter in place first while we built up supplies of ventilators, worked on treatments, etc.

As of 2019 there were over 30 million small businesses in the US. Millions will not make it through this. Families will be destroyed, financial futures ruined. The thoughts above are not purely my own. A growing number of a variety of experts are staying the same thing. This shut down needs to end soon.

In no way am I making light of the danger posed to the at risk and elderly. But we can't destroy our country, families, businesses, futures, to fight this. Many believe strongly that it is not the right way. We could come together as a community to help the at risk and elderly. Instead of spending trillions to fix economic damage (a short sighted band-aid for a wound we caused with the shut down) we could have spent those trillions on ensuring those at risk and elderly who wished to shelter at home had food, health care, and anything else they needed to keep them safe while the rest of the economy took precautions but remained mostly open.

Look around at the damage this lock down is causing, families unable to attend funerals, graduations cancelled, weddings postponed, businesses destroyed, retirement income wiped out, the mental health issues, suicides, depression, the list goes on.

At what point are the preventative measures worse than the disease?

I want to state again one last time, I'm in no way making light of the virus, or anyone who has died / lost a loved one. It's a tough time for all of us and my thoughts and prayers go out to everyone.
What’s becoming increasingly clear is you cannot set an arbitrary date.

If you actually look at the economic impacts of 1918-1919, the countries that did the most stringent precautions rebounded faster/better than those that tried for “less disruption”

We need to extinguish the armchair economist/analyst cries for production and handle the problem.

Nobody is/was going to get out of this without a major recession/depression. The current intelligent theory is there will be two. A double dip.
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Well-Known Member

John park hopper

Well-Known Member
I understand that everybody can’t be saved and that the economic and social price are massive and almost incomprehensible but when you fall into the vulnerable category it colours your perspective.......... I’m still a Mum and my husband is still a Dad and a brother. We still lead active lives. We pay taxes, council tax, provide public service, play in a brass band and generally don’t feel ready to give up life without a fight. Please don’t give up on us- if the roles were reversed the aged wouldn’t give up on you! I know that’s very different but even vaguely suggesting that the vulnerable should be left to take their chances is horrific for someone in that category!!
Don't want to get political but Hitler killed the handicapped both mental and physical When you start this one is old and doesn't need to be saved it scares me to think this thought would even be verbalized
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