Yesterday, I was talking to my vaccine resistant brother-in-law about what it would take to get him vaccinated. He's 40 and works out, so he claims he has no risk of serious disease, so a vaccine isn't necessary.
Pressing him further, I came to understand one of the harder problems we will have to overcome. During the pandemic, he took no precautions and continued to congregate and socialize as normal, unmasked. He and almost everyone he knew got COVID, but all were mild or asymptomatic. As such, it has cemented the idea the minds of he and his social circle that COVID was never a risk but completely overblown, unless you are an 80-year old cancer patient. These are the people that will be hard to get onboard with the vaccine, because their life experiences run counter with the reality that so many others have faced regarding hospitalization and death.
I do not know how one reaches this type of a population, and I fear there a lot of them out there, especially among the young demographics.