Well-Known Member
This is not the study I mentioned earlier. This is a 2nd study that found patients were shedding virus in higher quantities before Day 5 (the average time when people start feeling symptoms).First of all, SK has not tested "everyone" or even close to everyone. Second, you are confusing the percentage of cases that are asymptomatic with asymptomatic patients being the primary driver of the spread. Estimates are that up to 86% of cases are asymptomatic. That doesn't mean they are the primary driver of the spread. It is not known how contagious a symptomatic or an asymptomatic patient is.
People 'shed' high levels of coronavirus, study finds, but most are likely not infectious after recovery begins
People "shed" high levels of coronavirus early on after being infected, a new study finds, but most are likely not infectious after their recovery begins.
At the time of this article it had not been submitted for peer review, but it has now
Virological assessment of hospitalized patients with COVID-2019 - Nature
Detailed virological analysis of nine cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) provides proof of active replication of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in tissues of the upper respiratory tract.