The at risk and elderly should have been advised to shelter in place first while we built up supplies of ventilators, worked on treatments, etc.
As of 2019 there were over 30 million small businesses in the US. Millions will not make it through this. Families will be destroyed, financial futures ruined. The thoughts above are not purely my own. A growing number of a variety of experts are staying the same thing. This shut down needs to end soon.
In no way am I making light of the danger posed to the at risk and elderly. But we can't destroy our country, families, businesses, futures, to fight this. Many believe strongly that it is not the right way. We could come together as a community to help the at risk and elderly. Instead of spending trillions to fix economic damage (a short sighted band-aid for a wound we caused with the shut down) we could have spent those trillions on ensuring those at risk and elderly who wished to shelter at home had food, health care, and anything else they needed to keep them safe while the rest of the economy took precautions but remained mostly open.