That is not a valid analogy. People who commit crimes like murder and rape harm others intentionally. However, people who are deemed mentally incompetent are treated instead of sent to prison.
In the case of this disease, it is acceptable to order me to be quarantined if I have the disease and am known to be able to spread it. If I disobey the quarantine order I am essentially choosing to purposely put others at risk.
The measures being taken to control this disease order people that are not infected to give up their freedom because they might become infected. Only after they become infected can they put others at risk.
Before somebody brings up asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic transmission, in the past few briefings, Dr. Birx has basically said that they still don't know the methods of transmission. She speculated that there was a possibility that the spread in NYC is due to heavily touched metal surfaces.
The measures that are being taken assume that there is essentially an invisible cloud of virus surrounding every person infected that will easily spread to another person breathing within 6 feet of them. None of this has been proven or explained by leading infectious disease experts.
If these measures are to continue, extreme effort must be put into quickly understanding the transmission, especially amongst the asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic. Significant spread by those categories of patients is the only justification for any of the current measures. If spread is determined to be almost completely by symptomatic (however mild) patients and surface transmission, none of these measures are justifiable. If the latter is the case, screening people for symptoms when entering any publicly accessible building with large capacity and workplace and then isolating and testing anybody with a symptom until they test negative would be the proper way to control it.
While it would be unsettling to be temperature screened and observed before entering Walmart, it would be far preferable to being holed up in my house trying to avoid insanity by arguing about it on this forum.