Worked for one today, a surgeon. He’s full on conspiracy theorist and its very difficult to work with him and listen at times. They’re out there, even if in small numbers.
I’ve mentioned “caps” out of heated frustration more than anything in the past. Realizing that care wouldn’t be denied anyone, sometimes the overworked and overtaxed vent in ways that aren’t fully what they (I) mean.
I have an honest question, though. How can we be ok and patient with those that overtax our healthcare system and society? How are their actions any more ethical than some attempt at triage (or at least admitting what their actions are doing) so that some modicum of capacity is reserved for the victim of a DUI, or stroke, or other reasons that ED’s are filled? My son has recurring kidney stones that we’re slowly figuring out with a lot of trial and error (it goes way beyond dehydration and simple diet change). Should one of those require lithotripsy during a wave, should he be pushed back and risk pyelonephritis or worse because people are free to do whatever?
Sorry for the rant if it comes across that way. Because it’s a real struggle in my brain to remain patient with individual people and angry at the situation they collectively perpetuate.