Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Well-Known Member
I don't know where they are getting their data from but FL's cases are not up 285% from 14 days ago. It's around 50%. Assuming their hospitalization data is accurate and those are up 6% it would indicate very good news that it's not nearly a 1 to 1 relationship from case increase to hospitalization increase. If true, that would indicate that the combination of vaccination, natural immunity and current dominant variant are leading to far less serious outcomes.


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Premium Member
I don't know where they are getting their data from but FL's cases are not up 285% from 14 days ago. It's around 50%. Assuming their hospitalization data is accurate and those are up 6% it would indicate very good news that it's not nearly a 1 to 1 relationship from case increase to hospitalization increase. If true, that would indicate that the combination of vaccination, natural immunity and current dominant variant are leading to far less serious outcomes.
To be fair, I trust no data coming from the state of Florida.


Well-Known Member
"Moderna is pulling out of a major biotech industry conference in January because it’s afraid of Covid.

Yes, a company that has sold upwards of $15 billion in mRNA Covid vaccines this year won’t participate in a conference in San Francisco next month.

Apparently too many people will be going, or some such.

Now that’s confidence in your product!"


Chip Chipperson

Well-Known Member
How do you know that particular co-worker gave everyone else Covid?

"Although fully vaccinated people were less likely to contract an infection, when they did — what’s known as a breakthrough infection — they can transmit the Delta variant at a similar level as unvaccinated people."

Because that person was the first one there to get sick and works closely with the others who later tested positive.

Chip Chipperson

Well-Known Member
"Vaccinated people were more than five times as likely to develop severe infections than people with natural immunity. Only 25 out of roughly 300,000 Israelis with natural immunity developed severe Covid infections in the summer wave - compared to almost 1,400 vaccinated Israelis.

The difference did not result from gaps in age between vaccinated and recovered people. People over 60 benefitted even more from natural immunity relative to vaccination than did younger people."

The glaring, obvious, flashing-lights-on-the-Vegas-Strip problem with that (assuming it actually turns out to be true and isn't a flawed study) is that you have to catch COVID-19 the first time in order to catch it a second time. And how do unvaccinated people typically fare when getting the virus compared to vaccinated people with breakthrough cases? Hint: the odds favor the vaccinated.


Well-Known Member
By Florida law if you let employees go due to vaccination/booster status you become liable for expensive fines.
There are many things in Florida that have me scratching my head a lot. I don’t know all of the Florida laws but I bet if given a 50/50 multiple choice on any law in that state I would go 100% correct in answering them.


Premium Member
"Moderna is pulling out of a major biotech industry conference in January because it’s afraid of Covid.

Yes, a company that has sold upwards of $15 billion in mRNA Covid vaccines this year won’t participate in a conference in San Francisco next month.

Apparently too many people will be going, or some such.

Now that’s confidence in your product!"

That is what I would expect from a company dealing with COVID. Layers of protection and all.... vaccination, distancing, masks...common sense stuff really.

Chip Chipperson

Well-Known Member
That is what I would expect from a company dealing with COVID. Layers of protection and all.... vaccination, distancing, masks...common sense stuff really.

Exactly. Nobody - especially anyone from one of the companies behind the vaccines - ever claimed the vaccines are 100% effective, so why would Moderna acting as though its vaccine isn't 100% effective be some "Gotcha!" moment - unless, of course, the author of that article is trying to create a false impression about the effectiveness of the vaccine?


Premium Member
the author of that article is trying to create a false impression about the effectiveness of the vaccine?
Which is what that author specializes in doing for some bizarre reason.

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Chip Chipperson

Well-Known Member
It is sad that one can get punished ( ie FL ) when one thinks of safety.

Perhaps a business owner can use the same nonsensical "religious exemption" that anti-vaxxers use and claim that it's against their religion to employ the unvaccinated. They'd have a stronger leg to stand on since you could very well argue that your religious beliefs prevent you from endangering the health and safety of those around you - whereas any of the people I've known who have tried to claim "religious exemptions" for vaccinations would find it impossible to present even a single piece of evidence that they belong to a religion that bans vaccinations. And hey, if bakers can refuse to bake a cake on religious grounds, a business owner should be able to turn away customers who endanger the health of their employees and other customers on those same grounds.

Wendy Pleakley

Well-Known Member
I have a fully-vaccinated family member who is currently home sick with COVID thanks to an unvaccinated co-worker. Out of 20 employees, 5 are now home sick with the virus and all of them except the 1 were vaccinated. I'm sure the owner is wishing they had required vaccinations right now because then that 1 person either would have gotten the shots (which they could have gotten at their workplace anytime they wanted) or been out of a job. Being short that 1 employee is surely better for the business's operations than being down 5 for however long it takes them all to clear the virus and get a negative test.

Not to mention the employer has now likely angered a lot of their employees because they didn't take steps to keep them safe.

If I caught COVID at work, and felt the employer didn't do the things they could have done to prevent it (i.e. mandating vaccinations) I'd be stretching that sick leave as far as I can, let me tell you.


Well-Known Member
To be fair, I trust no data coming from the state of Florida.
Not this again. I wish there was an eye roll reaction.

Go find any real evidence that the numbers aren't accurate. The woman who made the big stink about the dashboard never even said the raw data was not correct. Her issue was with the way it was presented on the dashboard.

The counties all have the data before it goes to the state. If it was being altered the counties that have governments not aligned with the state government would be screaming about it to any news media that would listen.

Spreading misinformation goes both ways.

Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
Gotta love todays massive amount of “news” that will allow you to find something to confirm whatever your beliefs are.

I think most of us can agree that all media has some level of bias now but there’s still plenty of reputable news outlets, if you have to go to a known far left or known far right site to find news that validates your beliefs you may want to rethink how extreme your beliefs are.


Well-Known Member
What exactly was the announcement for Canadians today? From all Incould find, nothing officially changed in actual policy, other than a strong recommendation against traveling.
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