The other option was " Xi " but there could be some discussion since it is the name of the person that runs the country that approx 75% of our meds come from and where SHDL is . So to perhaps play it safe, enter the word " Omicron".
I hear there's a new variant.
What's it called?
The nu variant.
Yes. What's it's name?
The nu variant.
Yes, the name of the new variant.
Correct? I want to know the name of the new variant.
You got it!
How could you tell if I got it? I don't feel sick!
Were you exposed to someone with the nu variant?
How would I know? I don't know it's name!
The nu variant?
Yes. That one.
But you got it.
How do I know I got it?
There's a test for the nu variant.
And what's it called? Should I as the pharmacist for a test for the new variant?
But what if there's another new variant?
It wouldn't be called 'nu,' then.
Why wouldn't they call it new?
Because we already have a nu variant.
But we're getting new variants all the time!
No, just one nu variant.
So, there will be no more variants, just this new one?
No there will be variants after this nu variant.
And they'll be the new variants, then!
No, they wont be nu.