Day cares aren't responsible for care of your children if they can't attend day care for the day. Kids are sent home from day care and babysitters just as they are sent home from schools. Schools are no different.It becomes a perk, but my point was that is not the purpose of the educational facility. If you have to gripe about your kid being sent home from exposure to a serious illness, you are relying on it being a babysitter.
You are responsible for your children's supervision when they are not able to attend school for safety.
My dad was a single parent after my mother died when I was four. He understood and we lived within our means. You can make it happen. Of course scheduling is easier, but if your kid cannot be in school for health or behavior, it is not the school's job to figure out a cause for guardianship during those hours.
Are there entitled difficult parents? Of course. But I have seen so much generalization about this since the pandemic started that it's quite alarming. Of course parents use school for babysitting. I don't know a single person who kept a day care spot once school started. It's kind of a silly notion.
LOTS of people are making tough decisions on this these days. It's why so many women left the work force when the pandemic hit. It's why 18 months in, women actually lost jobs in the September jobs report. Their participation in the work force is way down. It's very alarming.