I’m a human, yet after 20yrs this is my first fb post:
My 75 year old vaccinated with diabetes mother was cruising along and miraculously navigating through these COVID times. Until. She wasn’t.
She went to a family party with unvaccinated people (I call them people just to be polite). Their breath contained an incredible amount of coronavirus, their tainted breath was unexpectedly and unknowingly inhaled by my mother, despite her taking minimal precautions - relying on family. Big mistake.
Sadly, my mom was only there because of her love to see the heavenly glow of a newborn baby. Turns out, she feels like she’s in hell now.
1 day later her legs felt like jelly, she crumbled and cracked to the floor, a day later she had a temp of 103. And a day after that, diagnosed with COVID.
She is tough, and strong and ready for battle. Another unfortunate piece of irony, she was just weeks away from her COVID booster.
If you’re reading this. You SHOULD know what you did. And I’m not happy. I’m not happy with those who do not get vaccinated. Especially unhappy with those in their lives who choose to be around others that are at risk. Even more unhappy with their enablers. Parents. The uneducated who declined the vaccine.
My mom will battle. My Dad, the perfect companion with the biggest heart, will be there with her, and probably be next with symptoms in the next few days.
They will battle this thing together 
and with me.
I encourage those who are hesitant or afraid of the COVID vaccine to call me. Everyday. I don’t do social. So call me. You know who you are. I’m looking forward to educating you. Until then, keep your *** away from my parents.