I understand your being torn on the issue. Others have laid out the precedent for OSHA and CMS rules, which have been around with bipartisan court precedent since long before our current situation. I also found the quotes from Justice Harlan, shared by
@MisterPenguin last night align pretty well with what it means to have individual freedom vs a functioning society and economy. He inspired me to do a little reading on the justice, and I found the potential parallels to today quite fascinating. Prior to serving on the Supreme Court, he was a Republican AG of Kentucky and a defender of civil rights when that was a lonely position to have. In the 1905 decision of Jacobson v Cambridge, he wrote, "Real liberty for all could not exist under the operation of a principle which recognizes the right of each individual person to use his own, whether in respect of his person or his property, regardless of the injury that may be done to others."
My being miffed, though, has a hierarchy. First, the anti-vaxx movement and the social media/private broadcasting platforms that have profited from people's (at first) legitimate concern or curiosity. They shouldn't have been allowed to feed the algorithm and fear to open this door so wide in the first place. I'm somewhere between angry and apathetic and the individual holdouts, depending on their level of indignation and vociferousness. But their sources of "information" and "research" have a special ring of brimstone awaiting them. Then I place state officials who are actively standing in the way of school boards and businesses from operating in the way they best see fit. I wish they'd move aside and let the free market decide what it wants. Allow businesses to set their employment standards and see which cream rises to the top, and which businesses lose out due to lost productivity, employee hospitalization, and death. Next, I'm angry at whichever businesses are lurking in the shadows, excited at this announcement but unwilling to step up like Disney, United, and Delta to a lesser but significant degree. Hiding behind government action as the reason for their rules only opens the door to more governmental power, as opposed to taking the bull by the horns themselves.
So, I'm not thrilled that it had to come to this. But the administration is where I place the least blame, and who gets the smallest slice of my discontent.