Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Well-Known Member
It is a shame that many closed their businesses for good. Others that could.. pivoted and are doing better then ever because of changes they made. Other restaurants will replace the ones gone as they have been doing since we’ve had stores. It’s a shame, really is for the ones that closed. Sort of the circle of life in the human world.
There was a strip mall full of stores and a gym in my area. It was one of victims of covid. Now the area is fenced off, landscaping over taken with weeds and critters crawling around and developers targeting new condos in its place.


Well-Known Member
It's also a sad reality that if you suddenly cut off the supply drinks to alcoholics, many of them will go into withdrawal seizures, and end up even further overloading the health care system. Trying to keep DTs under control in a hospital setting is extremely labor intensive. So, in the interest of damage control... keep the tap flowing.
And most withdrawal patients end up in the ICU. And it just isn’t labor intensive for the clinical staff either. Safety, risk management, and security all get involved now too.


Well-Known Member
There was a strip mall full of stores and a gym in my area. It was one of victims of covid. Now the area is fenced off, landscaping over taken with weeds and critters crawling around and developers targeting new condos in its place.
There are plenty of small, locally owned business that don’t have the luxury of being a place that can offer home delivery services. Sadly, many of those are now gone.

Andrew C

You know what's funny?
So to be clear here, you're ok with a 30 day lockdown and everything closing except essential services?
Even though the unvaccinated are the main cause behind the huge surges, some people are okay making the vaccinated suffer the consequences by putting them out of work. I thought that was a 2020 reaction when no vaccine existed and we didn’t know what we were dealing with. I guess in many cases, I was wrong.
Thankfully, what has been suggested is not being considered.
I expect more large businesses to mandate vaccines for their employees. Especially when they receive full FDA approval.


Well-Known Member
And most withdrawal patients end up in the ICU. And it just isn’t labor intensive for the clinical staff either. Safety, risk management, and security all get involved now too.
Yikes, didn't think about that, belligerent people missing their drink. Airline staff are taking self defense courses to defend against unruly folks flying our skies. Perhaps hospital staff could take self defense courses.


Well-Known Member
I can’t believe we are back on shut downs. They are completely unnecessary. We have a weapon against Covid that allows us to remove distance and masks and allows us to live again. It’s a safe and effective vaccine. That’s the way out. Period. Until businesses and the government are honest with the public and demand vaccination to participate in life, this won’t end. We don’t need to spend trillions on shutting down. We need to take what we have already spent on vaccine development and distribution and make good on it. This isn’t even worth debating!


Well-Known Member
Lots of local businesses in my area survived and are doing great. They had to adapt and pivot but they survived.
And many here did not. I took no salary for 2 months while working in 2020 only because literally our building was closed most days due to the level of real lock down. After a few weeks the owner could get in, but not more than 1x a week to do shipments. Doesn't mattef that most of our sales are online, if you cannot physically get in to ship goods, you cannot make money. While we can afford it, I'd rather not worry about the company again. There are only 4 of us plus our goldsmiths. My husband's company floated all by doing a forced reduction in salary from the management. So we lost my income and my husband's was reduced. We were fine, but again, not all can afford this.

Just get the vaccine! That's what will fix this!


Well-Known Member
So we should set policy to accommodate the drunks in the hospitals, yet some here have advocated for withholding medical care from those who choose not to be vaccinated. Nice.

Now that they have all seen how disruptive life could be to an alcohol supply, they should have taken the last year to get off the stuff.
Just giving the reality. People in DTs will end up in the ER and ICUs and they require an extremely high burden of care.

Medical care isn't about what's fair, its about distributing finite resources to meet current needs.


Well-Known Member
Yikes, didn't think about that, belligerent people missing their drink. Airline staff are taking self defense courses to defend against unruly folks flying our skies. Perhaps hospital staff could take self defense courses.
Many hospital staff do take aggression management and de-escalation training. Sometimes it doesn’t help.



Well-Known Member
Yikes, didn't think about that, belligerent people missing their drink. Airline staff are taking self defense courses to defend against unruly folks flying our skies. Perhaps hospital staff could take self defense courses.
First line of defense is always trying to defuse the situation. And if that fails...

That's why we have security personnel on speed dial.

The last few years has taught me that whole swathes of this country really have anger management problems. Anyone else see this video?



Well-Known Member
Just giving the reality. People in DTs will end up in the ER and ICUs and they require an extremely high burden of care.

Medical care isn't about what's fair, its about distributing finite resources to meet current needs.
Oh, I 100% agree. It's the ones who suggested earlier that care be withheld from the unvaccinated who seemed to disagree with this.


Well-Known Member
First line of defense is always trying to defuse the situation. And if that fails...

That's why we have security personnel on speed dial.

The last few years has taught me that whole swathes of this country really have anger management problems. Anyone else see this video?

Saw it last night.... disgusting. And I've seen comments saying the school board didn't listen to science so while the level of anger wasn't okay, they were wrong to mask kids :banghead:


Well-Known Member
Saw it last night.... disgusting. And I've seen comments saying the school board didn't listen to science so while the level of anger wasn't okay, they were wrong to mask kids :banghead:
Seriously. If someone yelled "traitor" at me, I would pull out my military ID and ask them how many combat tours they've done in the defense of this country. I guarantee I've done more.


Well-Known Member
First line of defense is always trying to defuse the situation. And if that fails...

That's why we have security personnel on speed dial.

The last few years has taught me that whole swathes of this country really have anger management problems. Anyone else see this video?

Saw it last night.... disgusting. And I've seen comments saying the school board didn't listen to science so while the level of anger wasn't okay, they were wrong to mask kids :banghead:

Some of those cowards are being outed already. And no surprise, one of the main ones is a notorious political actor with no kids at a meeting to mask kids....

They also hopefully will face charges:

Can you imagine being on the same side as these nuts?!


Well-Known Member
Seriously. If someone yelled "traitor" at me, I would pull out my military ID and ask them how many combat tours they've done in the defense of this country. I guarantee I've done more.
First thank you for your service. Second people like this likely would just say your past doesn't matter. I've seen ours here and it'd just nuts! They have it in their head that they are fighting for this country and trying to rid of the bad. We have people doxxing others trying to get them fired all because they can’t let go of how evil they view others.
Hmm, I'm sensing some "roid rage" in that video....
Sadly I'd guess no.


Well-Known Member
First thank you for your service. Second people like this likely would just say your past doesn't matter. I've seen ours here and it'd just nuts! They have it in their head that they are fighting for this country and trying to rid of the bad. We have people doxxing others trying to get them fired all because they can’t let go of how evil they view others.

Sadly I'd guess no.

I know. It's just so hard to believe someone could be that angry...
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