Premium Member
Agreed. It amazes me how many people cannot pivot in their thought process when things change. Its linear thought and once you “pick a side” you never budge. I know that’s how politics works for a lot of people but this is real life and kids we are talking about.To your last point - it depends. A month ago, I would have been right there with you for my 6th grader (11.5). Now, though, in my county, transmission is so high I can't get behind that thought. Not just transmission, but healthcare availability is starting to stretch thin. So, we had the conversation about masks not really being optional for him currently. He's all in, BTW. I think seeing masks' effectiveness in him not getting sick these past 17 months has taught him something. For our fully-vaxxed 8th grader, I'm a little more comfortable with him comingling and trying to be sensible. He'll have masks on hand in case a particular teacher wants them, or he hears a kid sniffling, or or or. He's also likely to just wear the thing since we do again at stores and whatnot.