One thing that makes me suspicious of vaccines although I have had both Moderna shots is that in U.K. the space between the two shots is 12 weeks and here in the U.S. the space is 4 weeks. Also the time that you must wait between getting COVID and getting a shot is about three times longer in U.S than in U.K. So which is the science?But contracting COVID when you’re vaccinated is likely a non-issue. We need to stop acting like getting COVID is the worst thing in the world that can happen to someone. We have protection now to mitigate it. While the vaccines are very effective, they’re not full proof. But this far, they’ve been nearly full proof in preventing hospitalization and death. Isn’t that what matters?
*This is where someone will chime in and say “but vaccinated people can still pass along the virus!” And if that is true, they’ll be passing it along to those who have the vaccine. In that case, see my previous point. If they pass it along to an unvaccinated individual, that individual kind of had it coming. We aren’t going to be antisocial creatures forever just to protect those who refuse a vaccine.
Also I totally agree with you. Each person is responsible for themselves and right now to continue all the masking, distancing etc for those who choose not to take the vaccine is ridiculous. When a child does not take the measles vaccine the whole school does not stay home to prevent that child getting measles which when I was a child we all took in our stride.
People who think COVID is an automatic death sentence really should educate themselves and look at which group has the highest mortality. Unfortunately nursing home patients and those with co-morbidity tend to die in greater numbers than the general population. Let those of us who want to wear a mask eternally do so, those who wish never to leave their home do so but let those of us who wish live our lives.
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