Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Chip Chipperson

Well-Known Member
It's not rocket science. I read white papers, scientific studies, opinion pieces by people who stand on both sides and those who hold no strong opinion, news articles. Then I formulate how I feel based on that info. This is grade school level stuff so it's shocking you had to ask.

I guess I have an advantage in that the company I work for is a news and research creator / aggregator (one of the worlds largest).

But you shared an opinion piece as a reason for not trusting the long-term effects of the virus and ignored the part of the article where someone explained why there is little risk of long-term side effects from mRNA. You don't see why that would cause someone to question how you conduct your research on the subject?

Dan Deesnee

Well-Known Member
But you shared an opinion piece as a reason for not trusting the long-term effects of the virus and ignored the part of the article where someone explained why there is little risk of long-term side effects from mRNA. You don't see why that would cause someone to question how you conduct your research on the subject?
That piece also mentioned potential autoimmune issues without referencing a timeline. That is one article / research out of at least 20+ I've read/listened to.

Not sure what you're point is? I never said that is the only thing I've read, it was just what I was able to find with a quick search.


Well-Known Member
I can only say what both I, and my Dear Wife, are doing...
1) 2nd MODERNA dose done by the days of March 30, and March 31.
2) STAYING HOME until APR 14, 2021... two weeks from last shot.
3) CARRYING our CDC Immunization Card, because that's all we can actually DO.
4) STILL MASKING - to protect others, in the event we are asymptomatic carriers, AND to protect ourselves further from low-risk contamination by the unvaccinated.

No suggestions or advice... this is simply what WE will do.


Well-Known Member
It's not rocket science. I read white papers, scientific studies, opinion pieces by people who stand on both sides and those who hold no strong opinion, news articles. Then I formulate how I feel based on that info. This is grade school level stuff so it's shocking you had to ask.

I guess I have an advantage in that the company I work for is a news and research creator / aggregator (one of the worlds largest).
News creator? Fox News?


Well-Known Member
Checking in 8/19. Southwest releases the flight schedule on April 1. I am under no delusions that we will have no Covid restrictions by then and if things have taken a turn for the worst I can always cancel. I do hope things are much better by then. I’d prefer not to wear a mask outside in FL in August, but it’s not like the weather is pleasant then anyway without masks. That’s not a deal breaker for me anymore. My kids won’t likely both be vaccinated by then, but I’m hoping cases are way down and it won’t matter.
You've got a couple weeks longer than I do. I've got Southwest vouchers that expire in September 2022. Trying not to mess up that extended expiration by booking something now only to try and cancel it. It's the original ticket purchase for the trip from 2020 that didn't happen (changed twice). I think Southwest got my money back in January of 2020.


Premium Member
Keeping the precautions in place and pushing the vaccines is no question the safest route with the greatest chance of success for everything.
Those two things are mutually exclusive. They're not going to get people to take the vaccine by telling them "take this vaccine and you still can't go back to normal."

Removing the restrictions for vaccinated people is how you get more vaccinated people.


Premium Member
Simply put: to end this pandemic ASAP. You should get vaccinated now so that I can go to WDW in August without a mask or distancing or having to show proof of vaccination ;););) I kid, but it’s based in truth. If enough people get vaccinated the cases will drop enough that all restrictions are lifted and we all get to go back to normal life. That‘s plan A. If we don’t get enough people vaccinated then plan B is keeping Covid restrictions longer and all this talk about vaccine passports. It’s been over a year now so hoping that Covid restrictions will just go away even if cases don’t drop enough is nothing more than wishful thinking. It won’t happen.
You misspelled "so Cap can go to Aulani in November without a mask or distancing."


Well-Known Member
Checking in 8/19. Southwest releases the flight schedule on April 1. I am under no delusions that we will have no Covid restrictions by then and if things have taken a turn for the worst I can always cancel. I do hope things are much better by then. I’d prefer not to wear a mask outside in FL in August, but it’s not like the weather is pleasant then anyway without masks. That’s not a deal breaker for me anymore. My kids won’t likely both be vaccinated by then, but I’m hoping cases are way down and it won’t matter.
Ha, I think last year we were both arriving the same day...seems we'll potentially be there the same time this year instead. My family checks in on 8/19 as well. Maybe we'll see you there. I'm more certain of going this year vs last. Still hoping for more entertainment to return by then and a better discount than what we currently have.


Well-Known Member
Simply put, I have no need to fear getting covid due to my age and level of health. Therefore, it's my choice to not put something into my body that I don't want to. Everyone should have that choice. The same way people have the choice to drive fast, drink alcohol, etc. (Yes I know the response "and they have the choice to deny you entry, etc. etc.")

Studies have also shown harm done by vaccines, sometimes those studies are suppressed, sometimes not. Anti-vaxxers take things to the extreme, but pro-vaxxers do to.

Let me ask you something, without malice. Why should someone who has next to no reason to worry about covid get a vaccine? Life has risks and it's not my responsibility to keep other people safe. And nobody can say that is selfish if you've ever gone over the speed limit, drank maybe a little too much then drove home, and so on.

Do the 70,000 people who die every year from the flu not matter? If they do, then masks and distancing should come back every flu season, right? The people who are all for vaccines and masks for another few months don't mention this from what I've seen.
Why should someone who has next to no reason to worry about the vaccine not get it? We have had millions at this point fully vaccinated, even around the world. The data proves they work. At some point it's worth trusting the science, trusting the doctors, and trusting the people that are a lot smarter than the average human regarding this topic so we can get back to normal.


Well-Known Member
Covid-19 is a completely new disease for people. We do no know how humans reacted to influenza when it originated. It could have been similar to Covid-19. Severity may have varied greatly throughout humanity and some ethnicities may have been more susceptible. Mortality for some genotypes may have been really high eventually removing them completely from the population. Overtime all human immune systems may have learned how cope with influenza to variable success year to year. This may be what is happening with covid-19 right now, some people have the natural ability to fight it and some don't. So it maybe down the road science may determine that Covid-19 severity and mortality was due mostly genetic factors. Covid-19 is a completely new disease for people. We do no know how humans reacted to influenza when it originated. It could have been similar to Covid-19. Severity may have varied greatly throughout humanity and some ethnicities may have been more susceptible. Mortality for some genotypes may have been really high eventually removing them completely from the population. Overtime all human immune systems may have learned how cope with influenza to variable success year to year. This may be what is happening with covid-19 right now, some people have the natural ability to fight it and some don't. So it maybe down the road science may determine that Covid-19 severity and mortality was due mostly genetic factors. This maybe why Covid-19 is so varying and confusing on how peoples immune systems react.


Well-Known Member
I used it in the exact way that it is defined. You have to go about four pages deep on Google to find stuff. I can only assume Google is suppressing the results. Maybe I'm wrong. Again I like to see both sides of an argument. But enjoy the bubble you live in.
Hint there... Google finds things based on your browsing history and what the algorithm determines makes you most likely to you buy stuff.

There really isn't a good-faith, evidence-based argument between "both sides" with regards to the general safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines, at least for those thus far approved in the US.


Premium Member
Why should someone who has next to no reason to worry about the vaccine not get it? We have had millions at this point fully vaccinated, even around the world. The data proves they work. At some point it's worth trusting the science, trusting the doctors, and trusting the people that are a lot smarter than the average human regarding this topic so we can get back to normal.

People trust science multiple times every day without even thinking about it.


Premium Member
Those two things are mutually exclusive. They're not going to get people to take the vaccine by telling them "take this vaccine and you still can't go back to normal."

Removing the restrictions for vaccinated people is how you get more vaccinated people.

i dont care...frankly.
Not interested in telling adults to act like it

this is past the point of “reasonable”.
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