I won’t speak for anyone who considers themselves a pure libertarian, but this is why in a limited scope, regulating businesses as individuals makes some sense. Fire codes, employee (workplace) safety, etc etc. Allowing business to act recklessly with human life is no different than one individual acting in a way that endangers another’s liberty (or life and it’s pursuit).
Specifically to WDW and travel, companies have gone to great length to try and maintain some level of operations and safety. It’s not inexpensive for them, but the opposite (just opening back up full bore) would have been flat out reckless.
The debate of what should open when and how and what should change going forward is a fair point of debate. But to say with a straight face that places of any type of gathering should be operating like they were in Jan 2020 right now (especially after what we’ve seen and learned) is just ignorant or head in the sand.