Your family is only 5 people?!?!?It's not selfish to want people to keep their jobs. It's not selfish to be disgusted watching my best friend torn to pieces as her mom died from cancer alone in a hospital room because she wasn't allowed to have visitors. It's not selfish to be furious that dementia patients have been cutoff from their family members without any clue what's going on. It's not selfish to want children to grow up with a normal developmental cadence.
I'm doing just fine. I've been working from home in my sneakers and a t-shirt, I haven't lost a dime of income, and I'm going to be up about $20,000 on stimulus payments I don't need.
Oh and my kids are doing just fine too. Because out here in the white collar neighborhoods, our schools our open and our kids are going to gymnastics and Little League together. It's the poor kids who are getting screwed by this madness.
That would be a relevant counter-point if the population fatality rate of COVID was 40%, and among all age groups.
I have cousins, kids, aunts, uncles, in-laws.
And where I got the number -- 2 members of my family have died from Covid.
So you willing to make the same trade: Willing to give up 2 family members, or rather take 12 months of not being able to go to the movies?