Premium Member
I don’t think it’s as easy as just remove restrictions and everyone out of work gets to go back to work. It’s a worldwide pandemic. Even in places like Sweden (discussed continuously as this shining example of not implementing restrictions) their economy tanked, they had bailout plans for businesses and workers, there was widespread unemployment. I think for the economy we need to focus on keeping the virus under control first and at the same time making sure we take care of the people who are negatively impacted. It’s far worse for the economy to allow the virus to rage unchecked, as we are seeing now. The hand out as you call it is making sure that people have what they need to eat and pay there bills until we get to a point where they can return to work. It’s not a permanent welfare situation.Tax cuts are a fait accompli. Go ahead and address those when you have a chance.
I'm far more concerned about the here and now. We currently have no income or health insurance. I'm far more interested in my husband being able to work again than I am in a handout.
As an aside, I want to minimize the bill we hand our kids when this is over.
We do indeed need some targeted relief. None of this "send a check to everyone" or business relief that big companies can sneak in the back door to drain. And nothing that also has a bunch of ridiculous poison pills attached, designed to force things through under duress if you want relief.
To bring it back to WDW, they have essentially written off the rest of 2020 for any return to meaningful profits. They are just treading water. Had the country done a better job on controlling the virus I believe they would have been in a much better position.