Well-Known Member
We saw better focus at home with DD11 when switch to Elearning. Part of it may have been due to allowing her to decide her class schedule and day because all assignments were posted at 9am. She stuck to it for the most part except she was allowed TV at lunch the off again to finish classes. We did compromise and make Reading last because a teacher saying "read for 30 minutes" turned into me coming home for 11:30 checkin with her nose still in a book .That just doesn’t work. There are distractions at home that you don’t have at school. Or sometimes the opposite, kids are so distracting in class you can get more done quickly on your own. It’s so funny in education we have a mantra, “meet the kid where they are at” meaning work and help them grow whether they are behind, advanced, etc. You would think during a pandemic, we could give that a shot and work towards educating and helping kids, while recognizing a traditional school schedule might not be the right solution for them.
When we did her middle school enrollment a few weeks ago requested Library elective NOT be her last class because she'd probably miss the bus knowing my luck.