Active Member
If lock downs don’t work then why did the countries who shut down earlier and stayed shut longer... get ahead of the virus and are consistently trending down in positivity and new cases? Lockdown didn’t work here because our leaders chose to let each individual state do their own thing. This allowed for some states to take extreme (at the time) measures while others (Florida) dragged their feet. Florida WAS doing well until we weren’t. Why aren’t we? Because we closed late and opened early. Instead of waiting 2 weeks between phases we waited 7-10 days... which we all know is NOT a long enough time to see which direction the trend is heading.
We have to lock down and start over... do it the right way. There is a lot of blood on people’s hands right now...
People aren't going to tolerate another lockdown. I'm also unconvinced that every business needs to shut down when most of them likely aren't the cause of these surges. We have already seen what seems to work with grocery stores and home improvement stores being open. We need to tighten safety at nursing homes and work environments. Households drive a lot of transmission if not most. Staying home ironically could very well be making it worse because our guards are down more where we live. Manufacturers are essential and many cases have come from the prolonged contact in those settings. They aren't able to shut down so the transmission will not stop by closing restaurants. Shut downs have to be based on what they are supposedly investigating. If bars are causing the case growth, we can assume it's because of the uniquely confined environment. That doesn't have to mean close every restaurant or business in the county. My humble opinion of course.