The problems you bring up, much like containing this virus, are being addressed WAY to late. Society can't limp along from month to month like that. Entire extended households should not be mostly or entirely supported by the toothpick of one family member's income. It's not healthy or reasonable. For a large number of people to be in a mindset where they feel they can afford to visit Disney World but can't go a month without work without becoming homeless is mind boggling to me (Disney trips seem to cost at least a month's wages if not more, depending on the family and itinerary). Most will just say something simple like, "Everyone does it. It's life." That's the kool-aid that's handed out and the masses are drinking it. Where will those nice loan officers be who "bent over backwards" to get you into that dream home when you can't pay them next month? Probably visiting the local knee-capping squad to book an "event". Where is the boss who's behind you pulled out of the fire on more than one occasion with your excellent and perhaps time-restricted execution of an assignment? Likely posting a job opening (your job) on Indeed because you missed ONE more day than you had of available sick time.
How are people ok with this life?
Why do they drink the kool-aid, that this is "normal"?
I am not a kool-aid fan.
My employer (me) says, "You're sick? Don't know if it's a cold of COVID? No worries. Take the time off to be safe. Your customers will appreciate your caution and concern for their well-being, further deepening the trusted relationship we have developed over the years ensuring continued business in the future."
My accountant (also me) says, "While it's never enjoyable to have a month in the red, you have no outstanding debts because you live within your means. You have no car payment, and only are on the hook for normal monthly expenses. You can use some money in your emergency account if needed. You know...the money that everyone told you was being wasted in a 1.75% interest money market account instead of the much more profitable stock market that now is sitting at a lower rate of growth than what you have made in interest during the same period (but I digress). Also, relax. You may have some bumps in the road the next few months with less work due to slower than normal customer spending. But you can wade through because you are not a month away from bankruptcy."
Honestly, I feel bad for the masses that have been tricked, swindled, or coerced into believing they will be fine living paycheck to paycheck, or that they have no choice. I would want to help them when the whole house of cards comes tumbling down, but unfortunately I am not the one sitting on the piles of money that are greedily taken from the kool-aid drinkers. Our household made less than $50,000 last year, but we still have financial stability. It would take an economic meltdown to ruin us, and at that point everyone else would be in the same boat or worse.
The point is, you don't have to be rich to have what you need. You just have to be prudent, disciplined, and focused. Words like that have been replaced by me-first, I want, and follow your heart. We can only sleep in the beds that we made...or let others make for us.