Coral Reef Restaurant

Mori Anne

Active Member
In the Parks
Went there once years ago and the food and servie were awful.
I'm ready to give it another try though..maybe on my next trip.

There was one shining moment of the divers came close to us while we were eating and held up a sign. It said:

"In Case of Fire Break Glass"



New Member
I actually got engaged there, I have a few photos I can scan, it was very nice and OBVIOUSLY because Disney knew about it, they took care of EVERYTHING, it was truely amazing (And it didn't hurt I was a former cast member!)


Well-Known Member
We've eaten there twice and liked it both times. It's expensive, and they don't serve large portions. We had great food quality though and we really enjoyed the atmosphere. The reason we haven't gone back is, quite honestly, the price. If we are going to pay at the upper end, we would rather try someplace new. Which we do every trip. Now with the DDP, people can eat there a little cheaper. Because we almost always stay offsite, we don't use the plan. The savings offsite more than make up for the food savings. With a family of five near adults, we save a fortune offsite. So my advice is to definately try the restaurant.


Active Member
I think I FINALLY did it!!! :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

I had to try a "plan B", though. Instead of waiting for a later spot to come open on Wed April 25, the thought just now occured to me today that maybe I can switch my Coral Reef day with either my Garden Grill day or my Alfredo's day. After all, either way I would be eating in EPCOT both days. So I called this morning and Coral Reef was totally booked for each of those other two nights. But I just called a few minutes ago and there was a spot open at Coral Reef at 6:10 PM on Sunday the 29th, as opposed to my original ADR of 6 PM that night for Garden Grill. And Garden Grill had an opening for 6:50 on Wednesday the 25th, so I booked that. Now, I can do Animal Kingdom without having to feel rushed to get back to EPCOT for supper and I still get to do both restaraunts! :sohappy:

yippee! i am glad you got in a good time for you!


Original Poster
Hey! My thread is back! lol. We did end up eating there when we went. It was OK. It wasn't really my kind of food. At least we know not to really eat there again.


New Member
Went there once years ago and the food and servie were awful.
I'm ready to give it another try though..maybe on my next trip.

There was one shining moment of the divers came close to us while we were eating and held up a sign. It said:

"In Case of Fire Break Glass"

Same for us. We ate there 6 years ago and the food was very bland and just not good, except for the Lobster Bisque; it was very good. Service was just ok. NOTHING like you would expect from a nice place in WDW. BUT...we are giving it another shot in April. I hope I will be pleasantly surprised.


Well-Known Member
Hey! My thread is back! lol. We did end up eating there when we went. It was OK. It wasn't really my kind of food. At least we know not to really eat there again.

Exactly. Like I've said before, I'd rather eat there and find that I don't like it than to change my mind again and go home yet again wishing I would have tried it. I've always wanted to eat there, but some other restaraunt has always gotten priority over it. But this is the first time we are staying on property, so we had 7 restaraunts to pick from, so it was easy to fit this one in this time.


Well-Known Member
ARGH!!!! :brick:

A day or two ago, I mentioned how I keep calling everyday to see if there are any cancellations for later times than my 5:40. Well, today, I was calling from my cell phone on the way home and there was FINALLY a couple openings...a little later than I prefer, but I figured I'd take it and, if possible, switch to an earlier time later if one opens up. The time was for 8:20 PM and I was telling her to book me for it, and was in the process of telling her that I have a 5:40 that I need to cancel when the darn phone died and the call was lost. I called back, but the wait times have been long, so after 5 minutes or so, someone finally picked up the line. And, of course, in those few minutes between calls, someone else came in and took the spot that I was gonna reserve! :eek: So now I'm back to being told that the night is totally booked up!

Oh well, I'm sure something will pop up between now and then. Are there generally plenty of cancellations the day of, or the day before?

When I went last summer, we called the day we went to Epcot and were told of some cancellations. We indicated we wanted to be as close to the tank as possible, and they told us to come about 20 minutes before the reservation, because seating was first come, first serve.

Maybe that's a fluke, but I wouldn't be too concerned about not being able to get an ADR. A lot of people over book themselves and cancel later.


New Member
Well I just went to Coral reef yesterday and I must say that I enjoyed it. It was sort of the last shabang for my girlfriend and my vacation. It also incorporated my gf's birthday a little early and they were wonderful, they had a little menu that said happy bday and I told them on the phone she gets embarrased so just our waitress sung, and than from an earlier post someone mentioned about the banners, well I taled to the manager and she was very very helpful. SO after the cake was all done and we were fixing to go the diver came down with a piece of paper that said Happy bday to my gf and that I love her, it was so great! haha anyways she got the ny strip and loved it, and I got the prime rib which was decent, also she got the creamy lobster soup as an appetizer and was pleased, and I forget what the desert was called but it was something chocoloate and the first one listed on the menu, it was also good. We had front row right on the glass and the 2 sea turtles kissed each other( maybe bit) but kiss sounds better, it was awesome haha. Lots of sharks and cool stuff, I really enjoyed it, and it is expensive but not so bad, especially bc my gf is a disney employee and they actually gave us the bday cake for free, which isnt disney like. ANYWAYS I recommend the place.


Well-Known Member
I treat Corral Reef just like I do San Angel Inn - a great place to stop for an app or two and dessert, and not as a three-course meal. Never had a server mind, and I always leave a higher percentage tip than if I had a full meal.

I love both places for atmosphere, but the main entrees have never done it for me in terms of value or quality. The steak at Corral Reef is okay, but if I'm going to spend that much I might as well go somplace where it's that much better.


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