CoP is going BYE BYE acording to Jim Hill......


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
True, I don't believe it to be FACT by a longshot. But I spoke with him via email and he stated that the following points (I'll paraphase for simplicity):

new video monitors can easily be recycled,
pulled down and put to use at other WDW attractions. Carousel of Progress may actually get some use next year. As part of next year's company-wide "Golden Celebration" -- look for the Magic Kingdom to occasionally talk up "COP" 's connection to Disneyland. Which will then allow then to suddenly throw open the thing during heavier attendance periods.

Once 2006 rolls around CoP is gone. This show's been running of fumes since 2000. The fact of the matter is Disney's put almost nothing into maintaining "COP" 's AA figures for the past 5 years.

I have been consistently hearing over the years is that key pieces of "Carousel" may be recycled as the centerpiece of a new exhibit for Epcot's "Innoventions." A walk-through "House of the Future" exhibit that would allow WDW guests to compare & contrast how we lived then and how we hope to live in the future.The idea keys off of Disney being able to find a sponsor for this "Innoventions" exhibit that is not afraid to shoulder the expense of moving all this hardware from the MK to Epcot.

I like the idea of the Innoventions exhibit if it comes to that. But I wouldn't mind them putting CoP in EPCOT permanently :D


Well-Known Member
I wont be sad if they close timekeeper. I didnt really like it to begin with. But CoP, I will be extremely ticked off if that closes :fork: It is such a classic ride. I dont think it is bad at all.....sure the song can kinda get to you but all the animatronics (Sp?) in it are so cool....well atleast I think so. It would be soo sad if it closed. No one has respect for Walt anymore. If they did they wouldn't close his rides!


Well-Known Member
Tomorrowland will be dead as soon as these two shows are gone.

I told you guys Fantasyland East was coming. Sure alot of you may like that idea, but it's coming no matter if you like it or not.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
i have never really paided to much attention to jim hill. nothing against him. i just really havent cared to read his opinion. i dont know if he is creditable or not, im not sure if he has good intentions or bad.

all i have to say is that ill wait on the Grizz to show concern before believing anything about certain topics. CoP and EPCOT. lol

as far as jim hill, it doesnt sound like he is to high repected from the responses????


Well-Known Member
NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:

They just can't get rid of CoP to put in some stupid cartoon flying saucer ride. What are these people thinking??? Does anyone left in Imagineering even know who Walt Disney was or what he stood for? First we lost Epcot, now we are losing Tomorrowland. What's next?

I agree with you, jmaxwell though. I'm not too worried since it's just Jim Hill saying it. Birnbaum isn't always THAT accurate anyway. Now, if Grizz brings it up, then I'll lose sleep!


New Member
hi everyone. i'm new to the boards here. big WDW fan, though. i've been reading jim hill stuff for a long time now. he always seemed to know what he was talking about. i get the impression from the posts here that he's got a bad rep. any particular reason why? i've noticed, though, that his site has been a bit dull since the format change. just wondering...

plus, i wanted to finally post something...


CoP leaving? After these new monitors have been installed and seats replaced? When attendance is at high levels, EVEN when it's one of the least-crowded times of the year? And the rumor that a rehab may be happening after SGE opens?

Remember now: this is coming from the same guy who said he was 100% sure that Revenge of the Mummy would have at least one inversion.

:lol: :lol: :lol:


dxwwf3 said:
Tomorrowland will be dead as soon as these two shows are gone.

I told you guys Fantasyland East was coming. Sure alot of you may like that idea, but it's coming no matter if you like it or not.

Hmmmm...I seemed to have missed that post...could you elaborate on it again? What do you mean when you say Fantasyland East?


brentley2 said:
Hmmmm...I seemed to have missed that post...could you elaborate on it again? What do you mean when you say Fantasyland East?

He means that since Tomorrowland is getting nothing but attractions based on animated films anymore, it is becoming a "Fantasyland East," because the attractions in Fantasyland are based on animated films and Tomorrowland is east of Fantasyland. :lol:


Well-Known Member
brentley2 said:
Hmmmm...I seemed to have missed that post...could you elaborate on it again? What do you mean when you say Fantasyland East?

A more character driven approach to Tomorrowland. I've sort of jokingly called Tomorrowland, "Fantasyland East" for quite a while now. But now the joke could become a reality, as soon as COP and Timekeeper closes.

Again let me stress, that this is a positive for some people. And it might turn out to be more popular than the Tomorrowland Future That Never Was phase. But I certainly do not care for the idea. Oh well.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
The Flying Suacers rumor has been around forever. It hasn't happened in the past 5 years it has been around, and I don't see it happening in the near future either. I want to remind everyone again that THIS IS JIM HILL. Everything in the rumor is purely speculation and MAY OR MAY NOT happen. Don't take rumor as fact until it happens, this is what causes panic.


Well-Known Member
DisneyInsider said:
The Flying Suacers rumor has been around forever. It hasn't happened in the past 5 years it has been around, and I don't see it happening in the near future either. I want to remind everyone again that THIS IS JIM HILL. Everything in the rumor is purely speculation and MAY OR MAY NOT happen. Don't take rumor as fact until it happens, this is what causes panic.

Very true, but these rumors have been around for so long and have been talked about by many sources that are SOMETIMES right. Hopefully nobody will panic because of this, but we should always be cautious.


Well-Known Member
I can't see CoP leaving anytime soon, sorry Jim. There must be someone in WDI who can stick up for it. Anyway..

I love Timekeeper, and the show always has had tons of people in the showings when I went, but I think if it's failing it should go. I like the idea of a UFO ride, but I'm thinking of one with an extention of the Tomorrowland tounge-in-cheek history and story, not some animated movie.


Well-Known Member
Testtrack321 said:
I like the idea of a UFO ride, but I'm thinking of one with an extention of the Tomorrowland tounge-in-cheek history and story, not some animated movie.

While I don't really care for the UFO ride idea, I TOTALLY agree with you if they do decide to replace TK. That would be a much better idea.


New Member
Why does everyone like the idea of Stitch then if it's based on an animated movie? Not like that makes much sense.

As for COP & Timekeeper closing. Personally I like Timekeeper way better, but i'd be sad to see any of them go. But sadly the way Tomorrowland's been going lately points out that it very well could be true.

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