Cop - Crowds Higher Than Ever!


New Member
Only if we could get everyone who visits WDW to ride COP twice everytime they visit. Then Disney would notice how great of a ride it is. I know when I go I ride it at least four times.

They have done a poll before. It was the EPCOT poll that asked people about their vacation to Florida. Disney should do that for their rides.


New Member
Hey, that's good to hear that the show is doing so well! I always loved this one, ever since I was a little kid...great place to relax after coming off storming Space Mountain. Air-conditioned, good music, and pretty funny to boot! My only problem is that they jump so heavily from the 40s until Today. Rather they went every 25 years or so, would make more sense. you know, 1925, 1950, 1975, 2000. Oh, well. Then we'd lose the beginning of the century. I go now.:zipit:

Irrawaddy Erik

Well-Known Member
Its funny that everyone says that it should be featured as a "Walt Attraction" b/c right before begining of the 100 years of magic celebration the big snowglobe they sell that has mickey painting and minnie, goofy, donnald and pluto in the globe originaly played guess what tune ..............thats right "theres a great big beautiful tomorrow" but after taking heavy hits after sept 11 and other factors leading to the supposed closing of CoP the Snowglobes were pulled and when they re-appeared they were missing ONE thing they now played the "share a dream come true" theme .... its pretty interesting i think....i much rather the "GBBT" version but i have one of each so if you have the first one then you have a real collectable on your hands

Just a little tidbit
Toontown/Fantasyland Attractions/Opperations

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
And it will hopefully reopen 4th of July.

WOW..COOL news! I would have loved to hear GBBT! It was Walt's song... at least a HINT of it... ;)


New Member
Last week I "went on" Cop twice, and it was TREMENDOUSLY crowded. The theme song, "There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow" was so catchy, and this is a first: people were actually standing up and singing and dancing with the audio-animatronics in the end! I think Disney should do a broadway show built around "There's a Great..." called "PROGRESS: A journey through time with the American Family", it would be great! I think I really like the Carousel' now, it's great!

Irrawaddy Erik

Well-Known Member
Its a beautiful version of the song its actually kind of haunting the way it sounds almost gonna try to record it and then post it online

Toontown/Fantasyland Attractions/Opperations


New Member
Carousel of Progress is my second favorite attraction in WDW . . .if Disney doesn't make a broadway show of it, I WILL!

There's a great big beautiful tomorrow, shining at the end of everyday. There's a great big beautiful tomorrow, and tomorrow is just a dream away. Man has a dream and that's the start, he folows his dream with mind and heart. And when it becomes a reality, it's a dream come true for you and me. So, there's a great big beautiful tomorrow, shining at the end of every day. There's a great big beautiful tomorrow, just a dream away!


New Member
Can you all help me with the scheduling of Cop. We'll be there April 19th for the week. Will it be closed then or open, or do you know. Oh grizzlyhall, I was watching our honeymoon tapes last week (it was my 10 year anniversary the 28th) and I didn't realize we had the WHOLE show of cbj taped. It was Great. It was from 1992 and watching it made me feel like I was right there again. I need to save it onto another tape to preserve it. Can you tell me if that is the same show that is there now? Or has it changed from 1992?


General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
Can you upload the CBJ? I would LOVE to see what CBJ looked like in 1992! The original show still plays, which is probably the show you recording.

PLLLLEEEEASE upload it to Popkids will make me soooo happy! :)


New Member
Originally posted by grizzlyhall
Can you upload the CBJ? I would LOVE to see what CBJ looked like in 1992! The original show still plays, which is probably the show you recording.

PLLLLEEEEASE upload it to Popkids will make me soooo happy! :)

I taped it on a vcr tape (our camcorder was one of the big bulky cameras back then). It's not a great tape, we were pretty far back, but it's good enough. We zoom in quite a bit. There is one place at the very end that something happened, we must have stopped recording, then it started up again I think pretty soon afterwards. I would love to upload it but I'm not sure how. I do have a digital camcorder now. Is there anyway I can tape to it, then put it on the computer?

You can hear me laughing pretty loudly :lol: :lol: I loved the bear singing "blood on the saddle" and you can tell I really enjoyed that part, so that might be annoying to you :lol: :lol: Anyway, any help on uploading would be appreciated.

Thanks, Paula (Can't wait for my daughter to see the show!!!!) April 19th....yeah, I'm so excited!!!!

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