Construction Wall Around Timekeeper


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Sergeant Tibbs said:
Except this time it will be green. I hope this is a ride and not a show.
While I, too, would like for it to be a ride, it doesn't seem that there is enough room for a ride (well, maybe a really short one.)

I could be mistaken, but my money is on a show !


Well-Known Member
unkadug said:
it doesn't seem that there is enough room for a ride (well, maybe a really short one.)

WDI built Buzz lightyear attractions in former circle-vision theaters in Paris, Tokyo, and California.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I realize that, and I was going to mention that. Is this theatre the same size as the one that now houses Buzz?


Well-Known Member
unkadug said:
I realize that, and I was going to mention that. Is this theatre the same size as the one that now houses Buzz?

The other circle vision theaters were the same size as Timekeepers however I believe they had slightly more queue space than Timekeeper.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
So, if they were to use Timekeepers queue area and theatre for a ride, where would the new queue area be? :veryconfu


Well-Known Member
Epcot82Guy said:
Noodle Station... :lookaroun

Hmmm. You might be on to something there.

There would have to be some serious construction, but I think it could work and serve two purposes.


Active Member
And if they use Noodle Station, it would do away with something they keep closing every so often to "change the menu." Just how popular of a place is Noodle Station to eat?? Maybe it isn't worth it to Disney to keep it open if it isn't a popular choice. Close it and use it for a queue or part of the ride showrooms.. Would be a lot better use IMO.


New Member
In my expierences not alot of people eat in the noodle station. You are definately on to something seeing how not many people would care if it is demolished. A question on buzz though. It always seems to me the lasers on buzz are not always working properly...:( So I was wondering are there any differences in the guns or ride on Buzz's Astro Blasters?


Well-Known Member
peter11435 said:
Space isn't an issue. Remember WDI built Buzz lightyear in Paris, Tokyo, and California in former circle-vision theaters.

And frankly I'm amazed at how they fit it all in. The Parisian Buzz seems a lot bigger than the building looks.


Well-Known Member
Disneyman88 said:
In my expierences not alot of people eat in the noodle station. You are definately on to something seeing how not many people would care if it is demolished. A question on buzz though. It always seems to me the lasers on buzz are not always working properly...:( So I was wondering are there any differences in the guns or ride on Buzz's Astro Blasters?
I have no idea of the technical side of the lasers, but I do know that they are tethered to the car by a cord, rather than directly attached like at WDW. Folks say that gives you much better aiming ability.


Well-Known Member
brkgnews said:
I have no idea of the technical side of the lasers, but I do know that they are tethered to the car by a cord, rather than directly attached like at WDW. Folks say that gives you much better aiming ability.
Yes, it definitely does (and having a clean, new ride is nice, too), but it creates some grief for CMs when people fail to follow directions and put the astro blasters back in their holsters...


Well-Known Member
I wonder if there could be some technology that automatically retracts them during the transition period between offload and onload (when the ride is inaccsessible to guests).


Well-Known Member
brkgnews said:
I wonder if there could be some technology that automatically retracts them during the transition period between offload and onload (when the ride is inaccsessible to guests).
that would have been pretty costly though--money better spent on something guests actually get something out of, like the ride animatronics. I wish people could just follow directions and put the astro blasters back--which MOST people do, but not all.


Original Poster
I think if a construction wall goes up around the horrible noodle station any time soon, then my bet that is that there will be a ride going in. However, at the moment, my bet is on a show.:brick:


Original Poster
Are you sure those are noodles they sell there?:lookaroun
Thank god for chicken strips, or the NS would be out of buissness!

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