Construction around the old 20K site?


Le Meh
Premium Member
They need to put the entrance closer to TL so people could use the spoke to the right of the castle to seperate the crowds. Hopefully this is big enough to replace 20K and over towards the speedway with a relocation of the path leading to Toontown.:lookaroun

The entrance to any new attraction there could be more on the Toontown side of the area than in Fantasyland proper.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
Either way though, I don't know that the popularity of a movie would negatively impact the popularity of the attraction anyway... Say a movie came out that was mediocre, and a ride opened at the same time. If the ride was designed and built to be exciting in and of itself, it seems to me that all it would do would be HELP the performance of the mediocre film (and toys, DVD sales, etc)...
I agree, I wasnt a huge fan of atlantis or treasure planet but I could think of some killer ride ideas for them.

I guess what I'm saying is... I wouldn't picture people walking past an attraction for Pocahontas (rather than riding it) just because they thought the movie was "so-so". Especially if the ride was done well and was exciting, and got great reviews itself. Instead, I would picture that ride to HELP sales of Pocahontas merch & DVD's...
But they sure might walk past a home on the range ride to get to "The Adventures of the Lion King".:lol:


New Member
Maybe they need to reverse it. Make the ride and then make the movie... They have a 50/50 chance to get it right. :animwink:
I mean HM and PoC became classic attractions before they were ever movies so it is possible to do a whole new idea.


New Member
Getting off topic, but if I could have the pick of any e-ticket attraction based on a Disney movie, I'd take Aladdin. Geez, at least BaTB, LM, and LK all have well made shows. What does Aladdin have? The carpets in Adventureland ... a snake in Fantasmic ... :brick: ... I'd pick Aladdin before anything else.


Well-Known Member
I think it is time to put the brakes on here. An E-ticket starting construction on the 20K plot:ROFLOL: .

Maybe after they are finished with the current plans to do major refurbs, but not now. Plus 20K was not top choice for the next location if I remember correctly it was Adventureland.


Le Meh
Premium Member
Getting off topic, but if I could have the pick of any e-ticket attraction based on a Disney movie, I'd take Aladdin. Geez, at least BaTB, LM, and LK all have well made shows. What does Aladdin have? The carpets in Adventureland ... a snake in Fantasmic ... :brick: ... I'd pick Aladdin before anything else.
Dont forget a bird in the Tikki Room.


New Member
Getting off topic, but if I could have the pick of any e-ticket attraction based on a Disney movie, I'd take Aladdin. Geez, at least BaTB, LM, and LK all have well made shows. What does Aladdin have? The carpets in Adventureland ... a snake in Fantasmic ... :brick: ... I'd pick Aladdin before anything else.

I agree completely...Aladdin is my FAVORITE modern Disney Classic and definitely deserves a sweet attraction or show.

But what about some of the old classics like Pinocchio, Fantasia, Bambi, and even Jungle Book (although it would fit MUCH better in AK). How come these classic films are barely represented in the parks???


New Member
Either way though, I don't know that the popularity of a movie would negatively impact the popularity of the attraction anyway... Say a movie came out that was mediocre, and a ride opened at the same time. If the ride was designed and built to be exciting in and of itself, it seems to me that all it would do would be HELP the performance of the mediocre film (and toys, DVD sales, etc)...

I guess what I'm saying is... I wouldn't picture people walking past an attraction for Pocahontas (rather than riding it) just because they thought the movie was "so-so". Especially if the ride was done well and was exciting, and got great reviews itself. Instead, I would picture that ride to HELP sales of Pocahontas merch & DVD's...

Sorry, but I have to disagree with this. If the MK built a ride about Chicken Little when the movie was being created, and it opened around the premiere of the movie, I think that the ride would have gotten a low attendance. I know that if I was passing by the ride, even though it is supposed to be amazing, I would keep on walking because I thought that the movie was dreadful. There are just too many other great rides at the MK I would rather spend my time on, knowing that I would enjoy them.



yes but we here are a minority. most people rush to a new ride becouse it is new. it does not matter if the ride sucks people who are not disney freaks like us just want to ride something new. a good example of this is stich. the ride sucks but when it first opened the lines where long.


Well-Known Member
Getting off topic, but if I could have the pick of any e-ticket attraction based on a Disney movie, I'd take Aladdin. Geez, at least BaTB, LM, and LK all have well made shows. What does Aladdin have? The carpets in Adventureland ... a snake in Fantasmic ... :brick: ... I'd pick Aladdin before anything else.

Aladdin's got a really awesome show in DCA...
Why hasn't DHS ever gotten a super awesome show? IMO The last really good show they had was Hunchback, I loved that. But even that didn't compare to Aladdin... Why haven't they made something like Aladdin in DHS??? It only makes since, doesn't it?


Well-Known Member

Sorry, I'll try to explain better...
I mean why doesn't DHS(MGM) have a really really good stage show like Aladdin over at DCA? Sure, there's Fantasmic, but I don't look at that as a stage show. I guess it is one though, but I've always thought of it as a fireworks show. There's also B&tB, but IMO that's no where near as good as Aladdin, and of course there's the Indy Stunt Show, but I was talking about more of a broadway style show. Why doesn't the Studios have a really good broadway type show? It wouldn't have to be Aladdin, I think Hunchback could and did make an awesome show, or they could use another film like Pocahantas, or Hercules. I think Hercules could be great!

My question was why doesn't DHS(MGM) have a really awesome Aladdin-like Broadway show? And to add to the question, does anyone know if there will be one added to DHS in the future?

Sorry for any confussion. I'm going to have to start working on getting my point across better so I don't confuse anyone anymore!:lol:

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