Conservation Station


New Member
We went, but the kids got more out of it than I did.

I wondered off by myself, and was bored. I just pulled my map out of my back pocket for just a second, and then a zookeeper yanked it out of my hand, demanding that I put it away, 'the animals can eat it and become very sick'.
Well, the billy goats were yards from me, and I thought this lady was very rude. I sat on a bench and watched her scold everyone she could to make this conservation thing beyond reality.
Personally, it was cute, but would have preferred to ride something else, or even stayed at the resort byself than to go through this again. You can see more at a local petting zoo in your own hometown than here. I can prove it personally!

Yeah, I blame the zookeeper on this one!! Rude witch!!



New Member
i guess its worth the trp. But only once or twice. I found that it was dull and all people would talk about is how humans are destroying the earth.

And if you do go make sure its a cool day.


Well-Known Member
If you time it right, the area will be full a characters. Great photo opportunities. It's also a great place to get away from the crowds.


Well-Known Member
My wife and I do Rafiki's Planet Watch (Formally called Conservation Station) on every trip. (Once a year)

After walking the Pangani Forest Exploration Trail, we board the train for Rafiki's Planet Watch and have a nice little 10 minute sit down rest. It's just a short walk from there to main building where there are always some interesting things happening. Character greets, Animal exhibits with informative castmembers explaining their habitat and such, a Petting zoo, and I've even got to watch a few operations going on through a window they have that is open to the vet clinic.

It's not always the same things going on all the time so it's nice to go back once a trip.

My only complaints about Rafiki's Planet Watch are these:

1) I wish they had a bigger gift shop. The tiny one they have is outdoors in the heat and there's not much of a selection of anything.
2) A sit down restaurant would be great in this area. Even if it was counter service it would help. As someone else said. The whole Rafiki's Planet Watch
experiance takes about two hours so it would be nice if you get get a good meal there.


Well-Known Member
I like Rafiki's Planet Watch and do it most every trip, but I have to agree with others who have said the idea is poorly executed. While I understand the idea is to separate this area from the rest of the park, it's unfortunate just how time consuming it is to get in and out. I love train rides, and petting zoos, and edu-tainment exhibits, so I think I'm the target audience for this kind of thing, but even I sometimes leave wondering if it was worth the effort. That walk back to the train seems longer every time.


New Member
I recall on one trip seeing a young boy who loved the train ride. He was on his fourth circuit without getting off when I boarded.
I love Rafiki's Planet Watch and visit on each trip to WDW, at least, once.

Last week, I saw a little boy touch a snake for the first time in his life under the watchful eyes of the cast members. He was given a button that proclaimed his feat of the day.

I've learned lots of interesting info about animals and conservation. The cast members are enthusiastic about the cause and eager to share their knowledge.

When visiting the petting area, you must ask for Luke, the most macho of the goats. He owns the joint!

While I'm roaming around, my husband can sit and relax in air conditioned comfort so he's happy, too.

All in all, it's time well spent for me.


Active Member
Its good and bad

The idea is good but its poorly executed.

Why does there have to be only one way to get there?

I was there last week and I hated the idea of only getting there by train. Makes it a big hastle .

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