I am FINALLY ready to start my TR, we've been home for almost 2 weeks and it has been crazy since I walked through the front door. Plus my computer has been acting psycho and was giving me the hardest time when I was trying to upload onto Photobucket!
I am going to warn you all, I took almost 1,000 pictures. This is going to be a very picture heavy TR, hope that's okay . We all had an amazing time and laughed more than I think we have on any other trip.
So lets get this started shall we???
Day 1! (I actually have no pictures from this day lol)
I unfortunately had to work this day, usually a 9-5 shift goes by super fast but this day it was like pulling teeth....
Just to get through the day I made a little countdown and every 10 minutes I would fill in a bubble just to pass the time haha.
FINALLY it hit 4:55pm and I raced out the door, don't tell my boss I left early
I had to go home and finish packing, I never finish on time. I ran home and stuffed the rest of my stuff in my suitcase, threw everything in my car and drove to get Becca.
Everyone in south Florida seemed to be driving on the same road I was and I was getting annoyed... didn't these people know I had a date with a mouse?!?!
I eventually got to Becca's, threw her stuff in my car and we were off!!!
but first, we had to stop at my cousin's and get something for our costumes haha. She lives about an hour north of me and her house was on the way, so not that huge of a detour
we picked up the bows, got on the turnpike and we were not stopping until we got to WDW!!!! We had this awesome playlist we both had made and we were so excited we kept yelling "WE'RE GOING TO DISNEY WORLD" out of the window haha, well mainly Becca was, but I may have done it once or twice
We stopped at a rest stop, got some Dunkin Donuts and drove the last leg of our trip.
We pulled into AKL around 10:30pm and parked in the garage underneath, which I think is a brilliant idea. I love being able to park and just take an elevator up to the floor I'm staying on.
We went up to the room and made everyone come down and help us unpack the car. Two girls brought so much stuff we filled my car, I have a tiny car but still it was amazing haha.
After unpacking we all had some sandwiches relaxed and all got to know each other, well Becca and I got to know Kevin and his family since we hadn't met them yet.
At about 1am, we pulled out the bed inside the couch and called it a night.
That's it for Day 1, I'm sorry it's all writing and no pictures, but I do promise there are tons of pics from every day past this one!
Thank you all for reading this and hope you are enjoying it
We were woken up around 9:30AM by the rest of the group making breakfast, the downsides to sleeping on the pull out couch in the living room haha.
This was late for us, usually we are up around 8 when we're at WDW because we have so much to do. This day was a little different, we had MNSSHP that night so we were going to relax around the resort before hand but when we woke up Becca looked at me and said "can we go to a park this morning?" How can I say no to that?!
We got dressed, grab some toast to go and headed off to the bus stop!
While waiting for the bus, the family next to us started asking us questions about our Magic Bands. We decorated them before the trip and they turned out amazing if I do say so myself
Becca painted Olaf on hers, I did mine in a mermaid style.
We got compliments the entire trip on them from CM's and other guests! And we liked that they weren't the normal colors that everyone else had
The bus took all of 5 minutes to get to our resort, we were heading to AK so the buses dont take long at all. This trip was starting amazingly!
A selfie before we got on the bus
We ended up being the only ones on the bus, for 10:30am that was pretty good.
I tried to take a picture with Ashley
NOPE, she never just smiles. Always has to make some silly face or something. So what do I do to retaliate? I make a silly face as well
Then it was Becca's turn to make a silly face I guess, because this is the next picture I have haha
We made it into AK and the park was pretty empty, score!
We headed over to Dinosaur, which is a personal favorite of mine always has been. The wait said 10 minutes, but as we all know that really means you're going to walk on. So we headed through the line
Another beautiful face by Ashley
We got on the ride and laughed the entire time. Ashley and I play this game where we lift our feet up and put our hands up the entire ride. You flail all over the place and it makes the ride even more fun. All we do is laugh
After Dinosaur, we headed over to Primeval Whirl
but first, a mirror pic!
Anyone else notice Ashley's face? Seeing a theme here???
The three of us squeezed into the car, and I really do mean squeezed... Becca and I tried to sit together on the same side and it did not work haha. They actually had to stop our car and lift the bar back up because Becca stood up.
The ride was good, short, but good. We laughed hysterically as usual lol.
We walked past Nemo the musical, which we would be going back to later in the week, and headed over to Everest which had another 10 minute wait!!! We were rocking it with the wait times so far
There's Ash ahead of the pack as usual, the whole trip she pretty much power walked, Becca and I kept the same speed we called it "Strolling" we weren't in any hurry, we took our time and enjoyed every minute of WDW. Ash, on the other hand ran through it! We had to keep saying "Bye Ashley" when she got too far ahead
Here's one of my favorite Hidden Mickey's
We sat in the back 2 rows, which we always do. It's much more fun back there.
Becca hates rollercoasters, so she had her head down the entire time. I loved every minute of it, this ride is one of my tops at WDW.
We had one more thing we wanted to do at AK this day so we headed over there...
Where did we go? You will just have to wait and find out Thanks for following
Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't posted yet, I've had a huge problem trying to post the next installment. My computer is going psycho on me and is making it so much harder to post anything! Everytime I try it says I have more than 20 photos in my post when I dont lol. I'm running some scans on my computer and hopefully that will fix it
My friends and I stayed at Art of Animation in a Nemo suite. We loved it!
What day did you do MNSSHP? We went on the 21st.
And did you use nail polish on the magic bands? That's what I used for mine.
Okay, let's try this again... lol hopefully my computer will stop going crazy on me and I can post this installment.... fingers crossed
When we last left off, we had just finished EE, we had the funniest on ride photo Becca was screaming her head off and had her arm wrapped around Ashley who was in front of us. I'm sad I didn't get a picture of it!
We had one more thing we wanted to do before we went back to the room to get ready, we had to see my favorite show @ WDW!!!
We had to fight off the crowd of the last show that just got out, but we made it over to the standby line. I love the new area they created for the theater, it looks like it actually belongs there and not some building that was just dropped there randomly like over in Camp Minnie Mickey.
We waited in line for about 10 minutes, if that
After this picture, they started calling me the Stalkerazzi because I was always taking pictures of them and things around us... lol
We were seated in the Giraffe section! Oh yeah! We were going to get to make a low bleating sound haha. Dorky I know...
Sorry about the low quality of the pictures, I forgot my camera back at the room on the charger so these are all on my phone. Later that night I had my camera for MNSSHP
Of course, Ashley looks miserable. I swear, she loves WDW also she just doesn't ever show it in pictures!
And just like that, it was SHOWTIME!
I really do love this show, I have been into musical theater my whole life and this show just makes me happy. The singing, dancing, acrobatics.. everything!
I love the stilt walkers, they have so much energy and do high kicks and stuff I can't even do on my own feet!
We were seated at the end of a row next to this float, they definitely updated it since the last time I saw it over at Camp Minnie Mickey. There was a waterfall on it now under the elephant, it looked pretty awesome
After that, it was time for everyone's favorite part... THE TUMBLE MONKEYS
I of course, love the fire dancer but there was something interesting with him. He had a full sleeve of tattoos from his shoulder to his wrist. Of course, you could see it since he is shirtless. I just personally know how strict Disney is with tattoos and piercings. I have 4 tattoos, which I can hide pretty easily, I do have 2 on my feet though that when wearing character shoes (Which is what performers at WDW wear) are hard to hide. I've auditioned for the company 3 times now and each time they have asked me about my tattoos and if I can cover them. So I just found it interesting that they allowed him to have it.... It's probably since it fits his role, but still!
The birds always make me smile
On a side note, when they came out Ashley and I had a small fan girl moment. We knew the two people playing the birds!!!
Over the summer I worked on Todrick Hall's street team. I promoted his show down here in Miami. Todrick was a finalist on American Idol and also a YouTube star who just started filming his own show on MTV. We ended up hitting it off with his crew and him, and he invited the team to his Orlando show VIP. While there we met another group of people backstage who knew him, they all were performers in FOTLK and Finding Nemo. We all hit it off and hung out that night. Turns out, these two birds were in the group we met so that was kinda cool to see them perform!
After the show, we headed back to AKL, we wanted to get some food and relax a little before MNSSHP.
I'll be back tonight to post the rest of our day and the Halloween party!
My friends and I stayed at Art of Animation in a Nemo suite. We loved it!
What day did you do MNSSHP? We went on the 21st.
And did you use nail polish on the magic bands? That's what I used for mine.
I'm jealous, I want to stay in the Little Mermaid section over there. Unfortunately, it's not a DVC resort so we cant stay there haha.
And yeap! We just used different colors of nail polish on the bands. For my sisters we used clear polish and gold glitter in alternating coats. I'll post a picture of hers later.
Well, I'll be excited to see your pics from our Halloween party in your TR. I'll be posting mine soon-ish (once I finish writing about the other days before that).
I've stayed in the LM section at A of A and it's pretty great (but the suites are even better)! I'm jealous about AKL though.
Well, I'll be excited to see your pics from our Halloween party in your TR. I'll be posting mine soon-ish (once I finish writing about the other days before that).
I've stayed in the LM section at A of A and it's pretty great (but the suites are even better)! I'm jealous about AKL though.
Soooo, we got back to the resort around 3:30pm and went over to Jambo house to get something to eat. I usually take pictures of all my food, but I was so hungry I devoured it before I could take any pictures.
I had the chicken pita and the soup of the day, which was a chicken corn chowder. I LOVE the food at AKL, the pita had sun dried tomato hummus on it and tzatiki sauce on it. So good, I actually had it again later on the trip, but we will get to that eventually....
After we ate, Becca was feeling a little excited for the party tonight she wrapped herself up in the curtains...
It started as her admiring the curtains and how they had all the Lion King characters on it and turned into that haha.
After Becca unwrapped from the curtains, we put on some music and we all started getting ready. We had to look good for the Halloween party duh! haha
We told ourselves we only needed 1 hour to get ready.... now we all know that did not happen! It only took us an hour and 15 minutes haha.
Around 5:15 we were out the door on they way to the bus stop. The walk through the lobby and to the bus was interesting... we got some stares from people who had no idea what was going on haha.
Now here comes the reason as to why I titled this TR "Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum Take Disney" Becca and I decided on our costumes a week before we left, we decided on Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, we found this costume kits with the hats and bows in it. I made our tutus and my cousin made our hair bows. I think we looked really cute and we got compliments all night about it. You'll see the costumes soon
We rode in a packed bus to MK, we had to stand and fight to keep our balance. The one bad thing about AKL, you are so far away from everything that the bus ride takes forever especially if you're standing.
We got the MK passed through bag check and the gates. I was home.. MK is my favorite park just for the feeling it gives you. It makes me all happy on the inside.
We took advantage of a PhotoPass photographer and took some group pics
We headed back to Tomorrowland just to ride some rides before the party started. First was Indy Speedway! It had a 10 minute wait time so we hopped in line.
Becca and I saw our shadows and took this picture
We took some pictures while in line
Here's one of the rare pictures of the four of us
There's Kevin jr in the background me, Becca, and Ashley
Kevin was someone from Assassins Creed, and Ashley was Briar Rose (Sleeping Beauty)
We got on the ride after about 5 minutes, Ash and Kevin were ahead of me and Becca was behind me. I tried to take a picture of us and we ended up with a few good ones
My car went REALLY slow. A lot slower than Beccas for some reason, she ended up pretty much pushing me half the way haha.
Once done driving a whopping 7 mph in our cars, we headed over to a family favorite, the people mover!
I got this ever so attractive picture of Ashley
The wind blown look is just not cute on some people haha, she would kill me if she knew
One of Kevin and Ashley
We people watched from the people mover and just relaxed, once the party started we were going to be non stop! We had things to do and candy to get!
I'm not really sure what we did after the people mover.... and before the party started, I have no notes and no pictures to show me lol....
I am going to have to stop here though, it is late and i have work early in the morning. I will continue tomorrow!
It was finally 7pm and time for the party to officially begin!
When it hit 7, we wanted to start trick or treating to get as much candy as possible. We hit the station right by Tomorrowland speedway. We walked up and realized my friend was one of the CM's! I knew he worked at WDW, but didn't know he did the party. He ended up shoveling candy into my backpack haha.
Once we got our first batch of candy, we were right by the Mad Tea Party and we saw that the Queen of Hearts was out meeting. We had to meet her! We were the Tweedles haha. We waited in her line for all of 5 minutes, we ended up having a great character interaction with her!
She loved our costumes, but hated the Mad Hatter doll I was holding, she grabbed him and kept doing the off with your head motion.
After we took our picture, Ashely jumped in. Kevin wasn't really into the character meet and greets
Oh my gosh, Ashley is actually smiling in a picture. It's a miracle!
We walked all of 50 feet and then saw that Alice was out, we got in her line and the CM came over to tell us Alice would be leaving but the Hatter would be coming out. I was way more excited to meet him! I've met Alice before, never the Hatter
We waited almost no time once he came out, the hatter is one of my favorite characters to meet now, he is hilarious. I'm also a huge fan of Alice in Wonderland, I recently got a quote from Alice tattooed on me.
He's holding my little Hatter, he loved it!
If you can't tell, I'm a little happy and distracted while meeting him haha. He asked us to recite the Walrus and the carpenter, Becca had no idea what he was talking about haha, hence her just standing there smiling the whole time. She never knows what to say to face characters she just laughs and smiles.
The Hatter loved my doll of him, he asked where his nose was (the doll has no nose) and I pointed at his nose and said there it was! Then that picture happened.
That's all I have for now, I'll post more tonight. Thanks for reading!
I've given up on changing font colors and stuff, my computer is having some major problems that I just can't seem to fix and it is taking forever to post on here for me. Sorry about the length of time between posts.
After we finished meeting some characters we headed over to the best attraction to ride during MNSSHP... HAUNTED MANSION!!
I love what they do during the party, the fog, lighting and the ghost they have sitting outside on the lawn.
As you can see though, she was not out when we were in line. The wait time was posted @ 10 minutes so we pretty much walked through everything
we past the CM at the doors into the stretching room, I LOVE the makeup the do during the party also!
We walked right onto the ride! Becca and I laughed the entire time during the ride. We always end up laughing at everything
After HM, we were hungry and headed over to Casey's. We normally don't eat here, but we wanted something different. We pretty much all got the Mini corn dogs. No one could finish theirs! I swear everytime I ate one, 3 more appeared! They were really good though, definitely something I will get again.
Once we finished eating, we headed to the hub to watch Celebrate the Magic and HalloWishes
It wasn't horribly crowded, but we still had to stand to see. I hate being short!
We had about 15 minutes until anything started, so we took selfies... they turned out a little dark
It was then time for Celebrate the Magic! I love this show so much. It always makes me tear up
And que the tears....
Tangled is one of my favorite movies, and I feel like it is very under-rated
The villains section they added for Halloween was very good as well
Right after that show, it was time for Hallowishes!
Those sparklers on the castle were really pretty! They need to stay around forever
I loved HalloWishes, they did 360 fireworks during the show that all went off at the same time and lit Main Street up, it was amazing.
There is still more of this day to come... I warned you all I took A LOT of pictures haha
After the fireworks, there was about 30 minutes until the Boo to You Parade! Which is my hands down favorite part of the party, it is my favorite parade of all time!
Kevin Jr. wasn't feeling well and was ready to go back to the room, I walked him to the front gate and sent Ash and Becca off to find good seating for the parade.
When I got back, they were seated on the curb outside the ice cream shop, it was actually kind of funny a family sat on both sides of them and they were all dressed as characters from Alice in Wonderland. We ended up with their Tweedles on either side of us it was a tweedle party!
You can see them in the back of that picture. They were really funny and we all got along great. Definitely passed the time.
Before we knew it, it was time for the parade to start! I was so excited I kept saying Yayayayayayay haha.
The headless horseman raced his way down the street, I NEVER get a good picture of him
We then saw this beauty which meant one thing.... the parade was coming!
We had a very cool interaction with the 4 of them in the picture above. The Tweedles saw the 4 of us stnding together and came over and pointed at us and counted it out. Then the Hatter followed along with Alice came over and they all started talking over each other about how many Tweedles there were and how we obviously cannot count. We all couldn't stop laughing, plus when the Hatter spoke he ended up accidentally spitting all over Becca. It was really cool, they stopped the parade it felt like to talk to us (obviously they didnt stop the parade haha)
I love all the characters dressed up in costumes, so cute
The song for the parade is also extremely catchy. Ashley and I always end up singing along, we sometimes sing it at home too
After the pirates section of the parade, it was time for the best part.........HAUNTED MANSION
The dog is so well behaved, my dog would flip out and jump into my arms infront of that many people haha
and then it was everyone's favorites...
The grave diggers!
Up next was Madame Leota's tomb stone which I actually got an antenna topper of.. but we will get to that later in the week.
Ballroom ghosts, they're so amazing, the costumes and the dancing are mesmerizing.
Now for some hitch hiking ghosts
It's interesting.. their outfits are made out of bubble wrap so it glows in the UV lights. I thought it was clever. It's the theater person in me haha.
That's all I have for tonight, this is going to be a very long TR as I warned we when we started! Thank you guys for following along there's so much more where this came from