Trip Report * Completed* The Food and Wine Christmas Time Last Minute Trip

Hey everyone!
We have been back for almost two weeks so its time to finally start my TR!
We had a great time, but the trip went by too fast :(

My Mom (Mary) and I (Megan). This is our second trip together with just the two of us...we traveled to Disneyland together in August.

November 14th - November 21st

Art of Animation Lion King Suite. It was OK, I'm sure if we had kids with us we would have felt differently but it wasn't our cup of tea. I only booked it because I booked this trip semi-last minute and its the only hotel they had available

I was throwing around the idea of going to Disney by myself during my vacation and when I heard the Osborne Lights were going away I knew I had to go! My Dad and I convinced my mom to go with me and she agreed so off we went !

Day One Saturday November 14th
I surprisingly slept decently well which I never do before a trip but my clinic shift the day before was pretty brutal so I was tired I guess. By sleeping decently I mean I slept like six hours instead of three haha
I always look super great on trip mornings ...

Our flight was leaving at 7:50 so we got to sleep in a bit and not leave for the airport until 6ish. My Dad laughed at us for having four suitcases total and wished us luck to navigate with those :D Luckily for us the Southwest Counter is close and we didn't have too much of a struggle.

Check in was painless and we were on our way! No TSA pre-check this time though :cry:
We stopped at our usual spot to get some breakfast ( exciting!)

Off to Florida we go!

We put our Magic Bands on almost right away on the flight!


We killed time on the flight by watching the Lion King (seemed appropriate since we were staying in that suite). My mom had never seen the full movie so she enjoyed it (but made me fast forward through Mufasa's death). We arrived in Florida like 30 minutes early but our gate was broken so we taxied for a bit. I spied sunshine which we barely ever see here in Buffalo past September so I was pleased

We headed straight to the Magical Express...oh we didn't first we had to take pictures haha

When we stopped to take this picture we inadvertently caused a small child to have a fit because he wanted to stop and take a picture too and his mom said no...oops!
First ride!

When we got down to DME the lines were insane! Hence my face! I seriously have never seen it so crowded before!

Nevertheless despite all my whining we really didn't wait more than 20 minutes.
Sadly we got a yellow Mears bus :cry:

First thing's first its selfie time!

On our way to Disney I was so distracted by this plane that was at a standstill in the sky...probably waiting to land

Soon enough we were on Disney property! Yay!
Worst picture ever...

I got this text on the way...gee thanks for telling me the room is NOT ready haha

Art of Animation was the first stop! Yay we were at our Disney home for the week!

Ah time to rush off to post Food and Wine !


Well-Known Member
Do you ever get migraines in Florida? I tend to get them all the time!

How do you do that?!

I usually only get migraines if I don't get enough rest, although occasionally bright lights can trigger them as well.

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Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Day 7: last full day :(

We got up early and headed to Landscapes of Flavor for breakfast. My mom had her usual waffle and I had a bagel with a rice crispy healthy haha
It was a wee bit foggy this morning

We headed to HS and it is so close to the hotel that we got there super early and we were second in line! We decided to do something we have never done before: running of the toys !

Soon enough the park opened and we were among the crazy people heading to Toy Story Mania

Ah I thought I had a picture of it but I don' we were entering the line for Toy Story Mania we looked across the street and saw Buzz and Woody in the window waving and jumping up and down for attention since no one was coming to see them. It was so funny!!!

We had a nice ride on Toy Story Mania and figured we would go visit Buzz and Woody since we have never done that before and they were asking for visitors haha

There are a lot of fun little picture opportunities in this M and G area

Bahaha Woody is waving to no one...these random Photo Pass pictures always make me laugh

Ok sorry again going to have to rearrange all these posts since I can only do 10 pictures this way :)
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Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
Day 7 continued

The bathroom in the bedroom...just has a shower

Main bathroom again

This is my bathroom aka the bathroom in between the kitchen and living room; this one has a tub unlike the shower only other bathroom

LOL this shower curtain made me laugh


Notice how my sink is a lot more organized looking ;)

This was the view from the stairwell that was right outside our room

Anyway after this I took the time to call and see if I could get a bounce back for our next trip. My desire was to upgrade to the Wilderness Lodge but I could only do it for one room (my sister and her boyfriend will be on the next trip...obviously have their own room) so I decided to just apply it to our current reservation and got a nice discount and an upgraded view :)
We wanted to spend sometime soaking in the sunshine so we headed to the pool. First we hit up the Drop Off and encountered a lovely guest from New Jersey who decided to share with the whole bar just how much weight she gained this trip and could not imagine why (then later was like oh maybe its all these drinks..haha). She really was very nice I just can't imagine sharing my weight with the rest of the world :joyfull: Anyway I think my mom got another Pina Colava and I got a white sangria
Pool time!

Of note, should anyone see me at the pool I don't ever have my contacts in so you almost have to be right in my face for me to see you haha I'm so blind!

Next up: Back to HS!

People from New Jersey tend to be very open and say anything – even if you don't want them to LOL – especially if they are Italian. Guilty on both counts.

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Just read all of this in one go!! Love it! :)

That's so cool about Mr Gold's shop in HS! Me and my boyfriend started watching Once Upon a Time after we got back from WDW because we kept seeing the adverts everywhere on the buses! Really glad we started watching it!! :)

Also, I'm sad that you're on your last full day!! :arghh:


Thanks for reading! Mr Golds shop was pretty cool...they had all sorts of neat things in the window! Too bad its in the Streets of America so its as good as gone! I'm glad you like the show! I really enjoy it too!

People from New Jersey tend to be very open and say anything – even if you don't want them to LOL – especially if they are Italian. Guilty on both counts.

HAHA I love it! It was very funny and like I said she was so nice and sweet :)

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I feel like we are super awkwardly posed in this picture haha

We headed to One Mans Dream after this to say farewell (hopefully not forever)

I was sad to see that the usual movie was already gone and instead we watched some clips of The Good Dinosaur (I have yet to see this movie...I don't know why its taking me so long!!)

I thought the movie looked great and the animation was very impressive. My mom didn't seem to care for the concept..and decided it looked like something super sad happens anyway so she doesn't want to see it haha
We headed over to Aerosmith after this
These pictures never cease to make me laugh

This is our Rock Star pose :)

Just FYI Aerosmith is not the ride to go on the day after hitting your head pretty hard :eek:
We did some shopping after this to kill a little time before our next "first."
I love these "ladies" outside the store

There are a lot of cute stores in HS!

Anyway, we killed enough time that we finally headed to our destination: Beauty and the Beast!!!
We have never seen this show before so decided to see it in case it is on the chopping block
We were originally sitting behind a woman who was very upset with her seats claiming she waited "thirty minutes in line" and got terrible seats as opposed to the Fast Pass seats. Anyway like 2 minutes later you could move to a different seat and they opened the Fast Pass section to everyone. We moved but honestly all the seats were fine haha


This show was very cute! The one little boy in front of us cried his eyes out when the Beast appeared to have died...the poor kiddo, it was adorable haha
My mom was very inspired to buy a Chip coffee cup after this show.
We got a snack of popcorn and decided to head back to the hotel for a break :)

Next up: onslaught of hotel pictures

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Day 7 continued

So our room was always already cleaned when we came back for our afternoon break but this time they were still in the process of cleaning it so we decided to explore the hotel.
It was ridiculously hot was an abbreviated walk through haha

I spy Pop Century


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Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Day 7 continued:

Anyway, finally our room was ready so I took this opportunity to take some room pictures
This is how we knew we were on the right floor/get off the elevator haha

My bed...


This lamp was cool

This is the table/third bed. Don't mind the clutter on the table...we were half getting ready to go

PS not one single clock in the room had the right time haha
This is the one true bed in the bedroom

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The bathroom in the bedroom...just has a shower

Main bathroom again

This is my bathroom aka the bathroom in between the kitchen and living room; this one has a tub unlike the shower only other bathroom

LOL this shower curtain made me laugh

Notice how my sink is a lot more organized looking ;)


This was the view from the stairwell that was right outside our room

Anyway after this I took the time to call and see if I could get a bounce back for our next trip. My desire was to upgrade to the Wilderness Lodge but I could only do it for one room (my sister and her boyfriend will be on the next trip...obviously have their own room) so I decided to just apply it to our current reservation and got a nice discount and an upgraded view :)
We wanted to spend sometime soaking in the sunshine so we headed to the pool. First we hit up the Drop Off and encountered a lovely guest from New Jersey who decided to share with the whole bar just how much weight she gained this trip and could not imagine why (then later was like oh maybe its all these drinks..haha). She really was very nice I just can't imagine sharing my weight with the rest of the world :confused:
Anyway I think my mom got another Pina Colava and I got a white sangria
Pool time!

Of note, should anyone see me at the pool I don't ever have my contacts in so you almost have to be right in my face for me to see you haha I'm so blind!

Next up: Back to HS!

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Day 7 continued:

After taking a break at the pool we headed back to Hollywood Studios.
We decided to wear our Christmas shirts again and we again got a lot of compliments :)


I made a dinner reservation when we were at the pool for Sci Fi Diner so we headed in that direction. We did have a little bit of time to kill so we went in some of the shops again and my mom bought something for my nephew. The shops in the back by the Muppets are actually very cute. Who knows if they will stay open, though, since everything else is closing haha
We decided to check in for Sci Fi and I grabbed some water they had out assuming we would have a long wait...but they called us right away!
We were seated behind a really nice family (although the mom seemed to have had it with her kiddos as she kept ordering wine hahaha)
We love Sci Fi! Its probably my favorite restaurant in terms of theme and the food is pretty good.


We split the appetizer sampler for our meal. We did think we would get more food with it (in terms of portions) but thats OK!

The plate has fried pickles, onion rings and honey BBQ chicken wings. First, I appreciate they call them chicken wings instead of Buffalo wings. Secondly, I have said this before about Sci Fi, but the wings are very good especially from a Buffalo standard :)
We enjoyed our appetizer and headed out only to realize we had quite a bit of time to kill before the Osborne Light started. So, we decided to see Phineas and Ferb. I am glad we saw them since they are gone now :cry:
These two were silly as always. Phineas actually had a wardrobe malfunction (head was falling off) so had to back out to fix it haha. Anyway, there were a lot of leaves in this are and they were really into picking them up

Everyone looks confused?

Anyway we had a great M and G with them! They spent a lot of time with us!
We decided after this to head over to the lights!
We saw Santa Goofy dancing around and the lights turned on!


Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster

We spent a lot of time just looking around and taking it all in. We facetimed my Dad and sisters so they could see :rolleyes:

It was so sad saying goodbye to the lights but alas we had to. I cried of course...its just so sad. Hopefully they put them somewhere else
We did have a goal of going to Epcot to see if they had their Christmas lights up so we slowly headed out of the park. We were deciding if we wanted to take the boat to Epcot, walk or take the bus when a bus pulled up so that answered it for us haha

We really used our Memory Maker to its full potential this day haha

We had to take a spin on Spaceship Earth so of course we did that then headed over to World Showcase



The tree was beautiful!

We headed to Germany so my mom could get a caramel treat but the line was insane! I was planning on going to get a different snack elsewhere but we ended up waiting 20 minutes so I got some caramel popcorn for myself and for my sister (to bring home) :D
We were tired so decided to head home after this. We had a great bus ride home where we were entertained by two little boys with their light up toy (the parents were annoyed with them...I found it super cute). We got back to the hotel and started packing :(

Next up: Last day :cry:

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Well, I have offically been called out by @Tuvalu so its best I finish my TR :)
Also, I really do want to start my PTR for my next trip (er...yep..going on another one) before that trip starts so I am going to get this done!

Day 8, last day :(
We got up early and finished our packing so we could take it to the airline check in place
Its usually about this time that it hits me that we have too much luggage. Especially when you (as in me) originally take it to the wrong place and have to drag it all even further. The guy at the first place offered to help us and I may have snipped at him a little as if it is his fault that I forgot to read the instructions...haha. The picture below should be read as : next time we call a bellhop

We checked our bags in in the right place this time, they printed our boarding passes and we were on our way to the MK!
We got a fancy bus which seems like it would hold a lot of people...which is funny because there were like 4 of us total on the bus. We made it to the MK early and were able to get in early because we had breakfast reservations
Please excuse the huge number of pictures to follow...
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